: overall class champion at the sports carnival.
oh gosh. This is indeed our last year =) first time in 4years lehs! Can you imagine how many gold trophies and medals we clinched?? ohhs. we ROCKS man! hhehhsheess. happyyyyyy. Although i didnt run neither did i compete wibb others, i'm still elated and happy for my class =) and it made me regret for not joining. arhs. If i joined, i'm confident of getting at least a bronze"? hehheh. better than nothing marrhs. hehes. But i'm quite confident of my stamina de larhhs =DD. Okay anyway, my life's evolving aroundd books , books , and still books. lol. Therefore, i'm really gonna chiong this 6mths more, take o level, be confident about it,and throw all my heavy books away. hehhehs. I CAN DO IT! jiayou jiayou!!! =DD.
Friday's gonna be a nice day. WEE!! i have POP -pass out parade. Arhs. i'm crestfallen alrite. It gonna be the last tym i can guide my sec 2 cadets and joke wibb them lerrhs. i will miss them! really. Time's really passing by sneakily without me knowing. And that's absolutely not a positive kinda thing? Hehes anyway, this year's gonna be my last year . And i'm left with less than a year. I'm gonna make good use of the time to study and shall start planning a timetable le...
Saturday shall be a tiresome day. Gym in the morning , afternoon-evening tuition time.. aww. gosh. ijust remember i haven do my tution hw. arhhs. tmr gonna complete all tuition hw already. i must lorh. hehes.
By the way, u guys heard of lynching in America? Lynching refers to a massacre act of killing people due to racism or stuffs like that. Yup, the lynching in America in the 1990s was horrifying. The white people accused the black people of commiting crimes they did not commit as an excuse to kill them, out of their pleasure. Sick isnt it? Eww, that's gross . Here's a poem about lynching in America opposing against the black people .
"Strange Fruit" by Lewis Allen
Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
Pastoral scene of the gallant South,
The bulging eyes and twisted mouth,
The scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.
Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop
sang by billie holliday. A truly soprano song. lol.
This lynching really got me mulling over and got many questions running through my head.
* why does this kinda thing happen? on earth?
* why does racism leads to this?
* what happens if i were one of the victims? how will i feel?
* how can such a thing happens and the government were helpless to it?
* Why does racism exist?
Aww.. i've got tons of qns but it'll be morning if i type them down all. lol. so i gtg le. it's midnite already!!!
for more info:: http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/african/2000/lynching.htm
Good nite , people. strawberry dreams =DD
Keep myself fit, keep myself healthy , keep my brain working well!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
finally, finally.
WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE!!!! oh how happy can i be? to FINALLY be able to blog? HEHE!! Anyway, for so many many days since i blogged i sort of dunno where to start bloggin about. heh. so i guess i will briefly summarise everything and only elaborate on interesting happenings?. hehe. Alrite , for the past few weeks i kinda got stressed out and freaked out by my life so there were not any good stuffs that few weeks. heh.
Just last friday i attended ADam khoo workshop. WEe! it was motivating cans! hahas. Thus now, my hunger for HOTEL MANAGEMENT and stuff relating to it GOT STRONGER! hehheh. Promised myself to only focus on studies for the next 6mths and after that i'll get unlimited freedom! hahas. how nice ! wee.. The adam khoo workshop was really helpful. =))
And people, the gym at the new boon lay central complex is really big and nice!!!! hehes. it rocks man. =P. Today it's Mr Jasper's birthday! happy birthday my bestie!!! may u be as jovial as u are now and live ur life happily! hehes. We went to samuel's house just now and i felt really felt out just now. Hais. it's like i talked and nobody reply me!! hais. but after a while, it was alryte le. Anyway, i sort of feel i dunno how to face him just now. arhs. it's like very awkard. He wrote ''i am sorry'' and left it on his table (ii wonder if it's for me larh.) Anyway, if it is, what's the use of saying that? That will never replenish my heart and all the more it will lot outdo the hurt u left me! I was in such a desperate state and you came, i thought everything was alryte but u hurt me and wanted me to forget everything with a word sorry? That's lame. You're a jerk. man. To put in simply, most guys are jerks. They will never care for others let alone spare a thought for girls. i abhor jerks. i loathe heartbreakers. Really, really hate them a lot. Arhs. Nah, nevermind. im not going to let this affect me . I'm gonna perform in my studies and get my life into the life i wanna have. After 6mths, i can cry, laugh, be mad and do anything i want. The most important thing now is : OLEVEL =) . hehes. i was taking a stroll down floravale and came up with a quote of my own : KEEP MYSELF HEALTHY, KEEP MYSELF FIT , KEEP MY BRAIN WORKING WELL! hehs. i must do that man! hahas. okay people, i gotta stop here le.. tata..
p/s:dionis rebonded her hair. hehs i oso wan! but, after o level !!! =) 6 more mths..
Just last friday i attended ADam khoo workshop. WEe! it was motivating cans! hahas. Thus now, my hunger for HOTEL MANAGEMENT and stuff relating to it GOT STRONGER! hehheh. Promised myself to only focus on studies for the next 6mths and after that i'll get unlimited freedom! hahas. how nice ! wee.. The adam khoo workshop was really helpful. =))
And people, the gym at the new boon lay central complex is really big and nice!!!! hehes. it rocks man. =P. Today it's Mr Jasper's birthday! happy birthday my bestie!!! may u be as jovial as u are now and live ur life happily! hehes. We went to samuel's house just now and i felt really felt out just now. Hais. it's like i talked and nobody reply me!! hais. but after a while, it was alryte le. Anyway, i sort of feel i dunno how to face him just now. arhs. it's like very awkard. He wrote ''i am sorry'' and left it on his table (ii wonder if it's for me larh.) Anyway, if it is, what's the use of saying that? That will never replenish my heart and all the more it will lot outdo the hurt u left me! I was in such a desperate state and you came, i thought everything was alryte but u hurt me and wanted me to forget everything with a word sorry? That's lame. You're a jerk. man. To put in simply, most guys are jerks. They will never care for others let alone spare a thought for girls. i abhor jerks. i loathe heartbreakers. Really, really hate them a lot. Arhs. Nah, nevermind. im not going to let this affect me . I'm gonna perform in my studies and get my life into the life i wanna have. After 6mths, i can cry, laugh, be mad and do anything i want. The most important thing now is : OLEVEL =) . hehes. i was taking a stroll down floravale and came up with a quote of my own : KEEP MYSELF HEALTHY, KEEP MYSELF FIT , KEEP MY BRAIN WORKING WELL! hehs. i must do that man! hahas. okay people, i gotta stop here le.. tata..
p/s:dionis rebonded her hair. hehs i oso wan! but, after o level !!! =) 6 more mths..
Thursday, April 5, 2007


hmm. check this out yeahh... =)) http://baweb.np.edu.sg/courses/courses.asp
Anyway, i'm just here again to upload pictures larh. miss cam-whoring. arhs. hahas.
good friday.
Yipee!! tmr's Good Friday. Hmm. i'm wondering why is there a term called 'good friday' that is used to describe a day like tomorrow. And eh, what's the big deal about tmr? Personally to me, tmr is just a normal day like any other. The only good thing is .. we can be excused from school!!! hehes. happy lehhs. Nowadays, i get contented easily just by having a good day's sleep. ( and i mean a good whole day =)) Hahas. I'm unsure of the reason though, but i guess somehow it's because my sec 4 life is just too tiring and loaded? hehes. But fret not people, cus' i'll persevere till the end! And i mean it! heh. Oh and eh, please note that tmr's a good friday and next friday is a black friday : friday the 13 . Please be prepared for the worse =))
I've been cracking my brain to decide which poly course i really wanna get into. It seems like i've changed my mind about the tourism course partly because i found out that many of my peers around me are trying to compete with me and be a poser? (i mean they deliberately copy my choice of poly course?). Truthfully, i really hate that kind of feeling. It irks me a lot. Okay anyway, i think i'm putting INTEGRATED EVENTS MANAGEMENt into consideration too. Despite the fact that only RP offers that course. Arhs. Anyway, i'll give a thorough thought about it before i come up with any conclusion larhs. =))
Today's class ended early. released at 2pm.Fancy me thinking that we might go dionis' house for one of those movies we rented yesterday. Arhs. Got disappointed in the end(this always happens). Thus, We slacked at the canteen laughing our time away. It was a hilarious session alryte.hahas. But it all ended too soon because Mrs Chew caught us and made us join Mr Chua for his x-tra social studies strategy's kinda tuition. We went to the library to find him and lishu, and we had out x-tra lesson. Duh. The most absurd stuff he asked me was :''Are u from CHINA?" . "DUh. #%$^%^$%". Do i even look like one? LOL. Okay anw, after that i walked to the bus stop as usual with sheila aiai and we chatted a lot. (i admit i'm talkative alrite! ahahas). Then, wee! home sweet home. hehes.
Thought it'll be nice to remind myself what i have to complete this weekend.
- Eng assessment paper 2 test one.
- Maths arithmetics topic (past yr questions tys)
- Bio reproduction in plant questions.
- Get a new THICK bio file and seperate tests practices from notes and mindmaps.
- Physics workbook , Physics test on current electricity.
- Chemistry tution hw
- Finish 'the memory of running' storybook.
- e. maths vectors tectbk qns
Basically, that's all i can rmb for now... GAMBETEH!!! no matter what i must persevere . regardless of what i should get least qualify for the integrated events course alrite..
Peeps, that's all for today!! lalalas and oh, uploading pictures up later ya..be tuned in yeah? =))
p/s: i never had a dream come true, til the day that i found you
even though i''ll pretend that i'll move on, u'll always be my baby...
I've been cracking my brain to decide which poly course i really wanna get into. It seems like i've changed my mind about the tourism course partly because i found out that many of my peers around me are trying to compete with me and be a poser? (i mean they deliberately copy my choice of poly course?). Truthfully, i really hate that kind of feeling. It irks me a lot. Okay anyway, i think i'm putting INTEGRATED EVENTS MANAGEMENt into consideration too. Despite the fact that only RP offers that course. Arhs. Anyway, i'll give a thorough thought about it before i come up with any conclusion larhs. =))
Today's class ended early. released at 2pm.Fancy me thinking that we might go dionis' house for one of those movies we rented yesterday. Arhs. Got disappointed in the end(this always happens). Thus, We slacked at the canteen laughing our time away. It was a hilarious session alryte.hahas. But it all ended too soon because Mrs Chew caught us and made us join Mr Chua for his x-tra social studies strategy's kinda tuition. We went to the library to find him and lishu, and we had out x-tra lesson. Duh. The most absurd stuff he asked me was :''Are u from CHINA?" . "DUh. #%$^%^$%". Do i even look like one? LOL. Okay anw, after that i walked to the bus stop as usual with sheila aiai and we chatted a lot. (i admit i'm talkative alrite! ahahas). Then, wee! home sweet home. hehes.
Thought it'll be nice to remind myself what i have to complete this weekend.
- Eng assessment paper 2 test one.
- Maths arithmetics topic (past yr questions tys)
- Bio reproduction in plant questions.
- Get a new THICK bio file and seperate tests practices from notes and mindmaps.
- Physics workbook , Physics test on current electricity.
- Chemistry tution hw
- Finish 'the memory of running' storybook.
- e. maths vectors tectbk qns
Basically, that's all i can rmb for now... GAMBETEH!!! no matter what i must persevere . regardless of what i should get least qualify for the integrated events course alrite..
Peeps, that's all for today!! lalalas and oh, uploading pictures up later ya..be tuned in yeah? =))
p/s: i never had a dream come true, til the day that i found you
even though i''ll pretend that i'll move on, u'll always be my baby...
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
long long ago..
hey people! i'm back again! heehs. apologise for the late late entry. Been very (and i mean very =D) busy with a lot of events lately. Hehe. okay, it's gonna be a very long entry if i intend to jot them all down here . So, hmm so i suppose i'll only write the interesting stuffs?? hehheh. Begining with..
Saturday, 30thmarch
Sorching sun at pulau ubin made my skin darker!! *hehes. I went for atf this day and it was really really very very fun! completely enjoyed the flying fox. hmm. for the benefit of ppl who doesnt noe what's atf, it's an adventure training thingie and i went pulau ubin, e NPCC camp to try all the high elements. hehes envious bahs? hehes. i tried the league of honour whereby i had to climb up a relatively tall pole and balance myself up there before jumping to grab hold of a bar hung high above. LOL i didnt succeed in grabbing the pole cus i lost balance wahaha. *boo!* hehes. I tried the slippery tunnel too. And one element that i particularly adore is the flying fox!!!! hahas. It was so so so damn shiock!!! hehe. It was about 8-9storeys high and the feeling of the wind slapping ur face was : wonderful . aww. i wanna try that again leh!!! hehes. Hmm anw, i saw steffan there!! hahas my primary enemy(cus he used to bully me! hahas) hehes. was surprised he recognised me lorh. hahas he's grown darker wibb the same height hehhehe. im so bad hahahs *opps. * Hmm , The whole thing took up my whole day and doubtlessly i felt really worn out when i came home. i think i slept right after i reached home bahhs. hhahas. not sure leiis. stm =X.
Sunday some unknown people called me many times at midnight while i was in the toilet and my mum got irritated she picked up the phone, that person, on the other hand, hung the call. LOL.
Monday i realised it was joseph who called the first time and yb the other times. lame larhs. lol
Tuesday, which is today, i had two practical tests-open book de. Heh. Even if i score for the two tests, i wouldnt be surprised cus i copied (it's a secret hor!) hahas. im a big bad gurl =P. Anyway, i like the chapter-microorganisms (bio) ..It's pretty interesting and attracts me =)) hahas. After practical i came home. Walked to 242 bus stop wibb aiai xq and started crapping ard. Anyway, she's damn funny arhs, She keeps blushing whenever i mention *ahem* (ben) . HAHA! hilarious ai mei couple they are. lol. like each other but xq just refuse to accept her. I asked her when she's gonna accept, she replied with a 'dunno'. Duh this answer is expected from her, ALL THE TIME. Hah. Anyway my prelim is cuming soon le. 30th april will start. So fast. hais.
By the way, the course i wanna to get in poly horr , hard to get in leh.. the cut-off point is 9!!! SO DIFFICULT! aiyo. must piang liao hor? bobian, i'm so desperate for that course. it RULEZ!! =D
Okay, will not crap further le..actually i took a lot of pictures which i wanna upload them, but my sis' is charging her that fone and my fotos are all there lei. so sian. It's like finally can upload them, then liddat. Hais. =( Anyway, will try to post them up soon kaes?? wait for meee....
p/s:i'm very tired arhhss..
- i miss him*
Saturday, 30thmarch
Sorching sun at pulau ubin made my skin darker!! *hehes. I went for atf this day and it was really really very very fun! completely enjoyed the flying fox. hmm. for the benefit of ppl who doesnt noe what's atf, it's an adventure training thingie and i went pulau ubin, e NPCC camp to try all the high elements. hehes envious bahs? hehes. i tried the league of honour whereby i had to climb up a relatively tall pole and balance myself up there before jumping to grab hold of a bar hung high above. LOL i didnt succeed in grabbing the pole cus i lost balance wahaha. *boo!* hehes. I tried the slippery tunnel too. And one element that i particularly adore is the flying fox!!!! hahas. It was so so so damn shiock!!! hehe. It was about 8-9storeys high and the feeling of the wind slapping ur face was : wonderful . aww. i wanna try that again leh!!! hehes. Hmm anw, i saw steffan there!! hahas my primary enemy(cus he used to bully me! hahas) hehes. was surprised he recognised me lorh. hahas he's grown darker wibb the same height hehhehe. im so bad hahahs *opps. * Hmm , The whole thing took up my whole day and doubtlessly i felt really worn out when i came home. i think i slept right after i reached home bahhs. hhahas. not sure leiis. stm =X.
Sunday some unknown people called me many times at midnight while i was in the toilet and my mum got irritated she picked up the phone, that person, on the other hand, hung the call. LOL.
Monday i realised it was joseph who called the first time and yb the other times. lame larhs. lol
Tuesday, which is today, i had two practical tests-open book de. Heh. Even if i score for the two tests, i wouldnt be surprised cus i copied (it's a secret hor!) hahas. im a big bad gurl =P. Anyway, i like the chapter-microorganisms (bio) ..It's pretty interesting and attracts me =)) hahas. After practical i came home. Walked to 242 bus stop wibb aiai xq and started crapping ard. Anyway, she's damn funny arhs, She keeps blushing whenever i mention *ahem* (ben) . HAHA! hilarious ai mei couple they are. lol. like each other but xq just refuse to accept her. I asked her when she's gonna accept, she replied with a 'dunno'. Duh this answer is expected from her, ALL THE TIME. Hah. Anyway my prelim is cuming soon le. 30th april will start. So fast. hais.
By the way, the course i wanna to get in poly horr , hard to get in leh.. the cut-off point is 9!!! SO DIFFICULT! aiyo. must piang liao hor? bobian, i'm so desperate for that course. it RULEZ!! =D
Okay, will not crap further le..actually i took a lot of pictures which i wanna upload them, but my sis' is charging her that fone and my fotos are all there lei. so sian. It's like finally can upload them, then liddat. Hais. =( Anyway, will try to post them up soon kaes?? wait for meee....
p/s:i'm very tired arhhss..
- i miss him*
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