Thursday, October 30, 2008
Haven't been to school since friday ):
I want to see them! ):
): ): ): I miss my girlfriends too ):
When can i go out? Sighs.
And i lost my handphone charger , i can't even switch on my phone!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I've never try the unagi rice burger before but many people commented that it's nice. Doesn't it look delicious as well? Hehe.
But i really love the fries from mos burger ! It's nice ~ unlike macdonald's fries which Personally, i think is too oily and unhealthy. HAHA Mos's fries are fatter and they are more crispy. Hahaha.
As for Breakfast, i love Macdonald's breakfast! My third #3 Favourite goes to : Sausage Mcmuffin with Egg! HAHAHA I think the taste of the sausage + Egg + Bread + Cheese can compliment each other well. :D
My Second #2 favourite : Big Breakfast !! I remember when i was still staying at jelapang, my parents brought me to Mc just for a set of big breakfast everyday. It's nice , and i love to spread my grape jam on the bread and eat the whole burger with the sausage inside. (: HAHA And i love to spread a lot of pepper and salt on my egg ^^
My first #1 favourite goes to: Pancakes!!!!!! (: HAHA They are simply irresistable ! :D Especially with many packets of honey and butter !! Yums^^ Heh, but i don't eat them often so it's alright - once in a blue moon :D
I can't stand my little sister ! ): She's such a spoilt brat! Zzz.
Waraosz. I think she's so irritating. She whines and cries as if she's going to die just by doing laundry? Zzzz. I've been doing that ever since i was Primary 4 and i didnt' complain like her. So pampered. Yucks.Anyway, i Love my mum many many ! She's the best woman on earth (: There are many things she helped me with and without her, i will be at a lost. I'm thankful that she's always here to guide me along. She's so sweet luhss (:
Tomorrow , i hope i can meet my husband who's been ill since friday ): May you recover soon Darling ^^! I love you so much & miss you terribly much :)
p/s : My dear Gigi is one of the contestants for hey gorgeous. Must vote for her kays oxides. (:
Muacks. love you all :D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New study table!
I have this sudden urge of organising a getaway party for 4V6 ! HAHAHA But i doubt no one would turn up so i'd better cross this thought away! HAHAHA (:
On friday, i had my first Gems lesson - real estate marketing. Hehe. Very fun! I like ~~
Yesterday was a fun day with 03 loves but sadly, without juline and wati! ): Wati, cheer up ! We will always support you! Jiayou I love you! (:
We went to have korean food and gave nanana and kelly love both surprises as their birthday is today and tomorrow respectively(:
I will blog the whole event down when i have time as my lappie's battery's going dead soon. HAHAH.
Okays, my new study table arrived! Yay@! Finally ~
And the couple tees & cute tees i ordered from tw arrived too! Sarah's one happy girl now.
Nah, not really.
I miss my hubby.
But he doesn't seem to miss me.
He's too busy working
I hate this feeling ):
I am so envious of kelly love and tmb ):
Aww. the past seems so tempting.
Well. Got to go, Byes!
Monday, October 13, 2008
First day of school *
We went home together and early in the morning today, he went to work after drinking the chicken essence i heated for him (: Around 10.40 am , 03 girls met up at dover mrt station and went to school together ! (: Wees. I missed them so much ^^ Hehs.
School was fun & very interesting !! I hope i can do well this semester ! ): Pacc retest is on 29th Oct *Sighs*
Seriously, i can't stand bimbotic idiots? Oh my grey, I feel ultra disgusted. Teenagers nowadays are rude, ill-manners & simply behaves like a bimbo?
Zzz. Well, it's non of my business anyway & i just want to wish that person would fail all her exams and get nowhere because no one deserves this better than she do. It's time to do some soul- search !
Friday, October 10, 2008
但我也很高兴 ^
(: 我要努力读书~
不能辜负大家对我的期待~!! (:
Another cause of happiness is, Fides has received my parcel!!1 (:
YAY! I was so afraid she would not receive it but yay!
I'm so happy she did!
Yey! I love you girl~
加油jiayou! We all love you many ^^
Awaiting for your return visit! (:
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Aww. Sweet Sweet Baby~
I treated my sisters and mum to dinner yesterday at some seafood restaurant which serve great shark fins' soup! (: Heh Halfway through dinner, hubby called me. He sounded kinda unhappy as i wasn't at home & he used my house phone to dial me. Initially, i told him i will takeaway food for him but he insisted that there's no need to and claimed that he's going home.
When i reach home, hubby was at home! He was at my bedroom, asked me "What did you write inside your foolscape pad?!" I was like " Huh? What did i write? I didn't write anything !? " So , as expected i went to see. And the first thing i saw was a sheet of paper written by hubby - there were words like : 谢谢你一直照顾我* 我爱你 ~ 这是送给你-一present~ And then he drew a map which doesn't look like a map and at first i thought it was a decoration on that sheet of paper. HAHAHA And my little sister saw & indeed she is very bright, she knew that map was a map for me to find my present. I'm like "huh really meh???~~!!" HAHAHHA that was when hubby walked in ( He was eating at the dining room) and he asked me "Have you found it? " HAHAHA My sister was very excited man. She hurried to the place the map showed. AHAHAHA . In the end, i found it! YAY (: I was super surprised! (: This baby who didn't call me the whole while the day before yesterday bought a white slim PSP for me? Omg. He said he wanted to surprise me that's why he didn't contact me that day. (: Anyway, i was very very delighted to see all the efforts he put in :D
This is enough to please me & lure me out of the terrifying dream i made ! (:
Once again, I LOVE MY HUBBY! XD
Muacks ~!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Waiting.. ):
The whole singing session ended very early at around 6.45pm so Daphni and i went home first as our noble mums cooked our shares for dinner! :)
Another thing is, i wanted to come home early to wait for husband to come my house . Speaking of which , it's very saddening.!
I've been waiting for his call since the morning and at around 8.01pm , he used his workplace's phone to dial me but hung up in less than a min of dialing! ): I wasn't even quick enough to pick up the phone and Phew! the ringing stop.
It's almost 11pm now and my phone haven't ring at all since that last "call".
I miss him ):
I really miss him so much!
Aww. How i wish i could get through him & at least have an idea of what he is doing. I've so many questions filling my head and i'm worried of his whereabouts, well-being and so. ? His fingers & palms were hurting so badly this morning and even after applying cream to them, it doesn't help at all. I seriously wonder how they are now ? ):
Ah, i wish he could get a new phone as soon as possible ! So i will not have to suffer in doubts and worry. ): I miss him! I miss him! I miss him! This is going to sound chessy but i want to sleep with him, i want to sleep beside him; i do not like this feeling of missing him!
I am just gotta end this here, check out my new timetable & Gems & wait for him .
Let's pray that he would call me ):
Friday, October 3, 2008
He went to work this morning ;
I hope he would bring us for shark fins' soup soon! (:
Yay ! I'll be able to meet my dearest 2 girlfriends later . :D
Loves them !
Hope the kbox session would be fun!
Yay! I gotta go prepare now else i'll arrive late!
P/s : Shauna, Please tell me when you are free to meet for the bag! It's taking up my room space ah! XD
Tata people!
Please miss me! XD
Thursday, October 2, 2008
In the morning, baby woke up & left for work while i prepared to head to cck to meet one of my customers! I was an hour late as i woke up late! ): So i treated her drinks & i headed to the lib to surf net (: I went to post office to post a parcel out to Fides ( Letter? ) & i really hope she will receive it! ): After all that, Margaret and i went to meet Dionis and Daphni Darlings & they came over my house for a little chat (:
They left rather early which was kinda sad as i really need a lot of catch-up with them! ): Missed out on too many things! Hopefully i'll be able to see them this saturday! ):
Dearest jiahui came over my house the day before yesterday to do some catch-up (: I missed her terribly much too! I wish i could go on a shopping trip with her soon ! (: Good luck for your exams sweety! Jiayou!
One fine day after work, Melissa and i went Marina Square to jalan jalan (: On that day, i bought this topman Leather Jacket for hubby :) I Love this piece but hubby claimed it's not his style. But nonetheless, he said he love it and didn't want to exchange it no matter how much i force him to :) It costs me 50% of my salary earned at Ritz Carlton! :( But it's alright , i just hope he likes it & it's the thought that counts.. Right?

That's all for today!
Yipees! Baby's coming tomorrow! Glad (: