Friday, November 28, 2008
I love my babyyyboyy :D He's so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psss. I love leopard prints & furs !
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
But i have something in mind to say ,
I don't know how wrong it might sound but i just want to say.
I think my poly clique are starting to hate me.
It's just like we don't talk much & i have this feeling of wanting to ask them why yet do not dare.
I don't know. I'm more sensitive towards this kind of thing.
Maybe you may say i'm thinking too much but my instincts are normally accurate.
Like i feel that they don't want to talk much to me or something.
I feel so .... i want to know what happened yet it's difficult to ask.
I'm feeling very bad now i just want to cry ):
But nah, i won't cry okay Don't worry.
I told baby hubby about it & he told me this :
" Don't worry, if you can't find out what happened. You still have me. I'll be your support forever. No matter emotionally or mentally. I love you , jiayou okay?"
His words made me cry as i was kinda touched hahaha.
I love him, true actually i know he would be there for me. Muacks baby!
I'm just gotta end here for more updates on my daily life, please go to my xanga okay!
If you don't know , it's
I trusted you & now you proved me wrong. Stop saying sorry, it doesn't help. It only reminds me of how stupid i was. I don't want to hear your apology anymore.
It's my fault for being stupid and made the wrong judgement. But , i'm really disappointed in you. I treated you as my close friend but eversince i got to know that from him, i started to understand how stupid i was. Nah, it's okay. I don't mind.
P/s.And i feel so guilty & stupid of not contributing much to the project.
Friday, November 21, 2008
mug *mug
I am so exhausted. Feeling real lethargic all over. ); Nah, not heading to my bed yet. I'm just gonna have a hot bath, freshen myself up and dig my heads in books. ): Gonna study at least one lecture before sleeping.
Talking about school, BCBC where are you! ? ): Stop hiding leh, not many people want to see you anyway. haha!
GEMS was really boring just now, but i got to find out my house's resale price which is pretty interesting & it's high! HAHHAHA Maybe i shall get mummy to shift house again? Dumb. haha.
GGT is difficult , i want to score well for it. But i suck at Geography, seriously. ):
Went to find baby hubby after school and in the train , i was chatting with Velvel & juline. Then, i realised Velvel is BB3 cube(to the power of 3)!!! HAHAHAAH! I went to my freakybaby's house and he saw him busy doing chores. ! heh, He went to cook tom yam noodles with Abalone for me and it was so delicious! I had tom yam crave since 2 months ago! :D Baby hubby didn't send me home ): As there wasn't much money in his farecard anymore & he's kinda not working so yeah, Have to scrimp and save a bit so i had to go home myself.
In the train, i fell asleep and woke up realizing that my tongue hurts! ): I wass pretty noob, i bit my tongue the whole while i was sleeping? Zzzz. i was too exhausted ):
On my way home just now, i saw a mother with a kid. This little girl was super adorable, she slipped on the marble floor and fell down out of a sudden. She caught me in laughs anyway, =.= " I don't know, new found hobby? Psychotic ? HAHAHAH! It was really hilarious, i was pretty sad and this girl came to my sorrows rescue. :) Baby hubby said i'm evil , i was like " Ah, i wouldn't mind if people laugh at me when i fell" HAHAH.
Anyway, i like the new fc5, it's renovated with aircon now! The whole place is just so cooling & yeah, looks so much more appealing than the past.
okays bye.
I miss my freakybabyy ): Muacks hubby <3>
You're the best friend in my world. (:
Because with you around, i ain't afraid anymore &
with you around, my day's always bright.
I'm not good with words, but my love for you is definitely the truest and the finest.
Muacks. I miss those days we hugged and sleep.
Missing you badly.
Ah, exhausted.
Anyway, i really miss two of my best friend , Sheila and Daphni. I have so many things to tell them and whine to them. I miss you all , if you are reading this! Both of them are always the ones who would listen to my sorrows and console me no matter how busy they are. They're really sweet & ah, i really miss them ! ):
I feel so sick of life. ):
It's so stressful , the past few days i was busy with hubby ( Tiffs ! ) & i cried every night. But, still forced myself to do projects & assignments and study some theories tested in exam. Afterwhich, reply emails and consolidate orders for my blogshop.I feel so sick, i hope things will change soon.
Hubby's got a mature mindset , he's got everything planned for us and i'm really afraid i'll wake up one day not seeing him in my life, anymore. And i'm serious, i will get an emotional breakdown man. ): It's the only time in my life i love someone so much. I can't bear the thought of losing him , really. ):
Too much misunderstandings strain relationships , really.
p/s: I'm SORRY. Even if it doesn't help but i still want to say IM SORRY.
Please do understand that everyone lead their own different life.
Sometimes, we do will have problems that are hard to be solved.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Something's not right afterall.
It's not something important, yet i feel it's very significant.
If i were to choose, i'd rather do things alone .
Then i will not feel so bad.
It doesn't matter to me, it was like that before.
Don't you remember?
The girl who was always bullied & Had no one to turn to & talk with?
Apparently, i have this strong feeling that history's repeating itself.
Nah, it's okay.
I don't mind.
Really, it doesn't matter anymore.
Once bitten, twice shy.
This time round, i'm not that badly hurt anymore.
I will find a way to struggle through these.
As long i have my boyfriend, my best friend & my family, all other things are not important anymore.
Afterall, they are the ones who would stay with me til the end.
Nah, don't worry.
I ain't crying due to such stuff,
they wouldn't bother me much.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ideas Project ~
Ideas is really a boring subject, we have to patronise shops (we can choose the kind of stores ourselves) , act like a mystery shopper and critisize the service & environment etc. of the particular shop. Our group chose Sakae Sushi, Sushi tei and suki Sushi.
Well, out of those 3, suki sushi is the best man.
Suki Sushi is the best ! The sushis there are far cheaper than Sakae Sushi's and the service crews over there are more well-trained. They acknowledged our existence and greeted us with smiles. No errors in receipt even though we gave very messy orders. Thumbs up * The 5 of us paid only $30 estimated for a meal which was pretty filling. The taste and quality of the food was pretty good too ~ So now, are you still gonna be a big fan of Sakae Sushi? Perhaps not in tiong bahru outlet eh ?
The last restaurant we went was "Japanese gourment town" in Vivo city. The service was not very good too. At the beginning, they gave us an impression of being friendly and nice, but the waiters are nowhere to be found when we wanted to order & they did not smile. Well, i wasn't there the whole eating session as i left to hubby's house . We had a tiff, but anyway i bought him some Japanese pancake called Okos which cost me $16.05 ); I'm officially broke ! I was really scared and felt really low i cried on Gigi's shoulder , thanks Gigi ! ):
Every single misunderstanding was cleared and yeah, back to where it was , back to square one. :D So baby hubby brought me for dinner before sending me home today (:
To Shauna Kelly Gigi and Wati
Don't worry girls ! I'm very sorry for leaving first & i love you all ~ Thanks for consoling me !!!! :D Deeply appreciated by Sarah ! :) I'm really glad i have you all ! If not, i wouldn't probably be thinking right about what i was going to do. Loves you all, forget about all those misunderstandings i'm sorry for creating unnessary troubles to you all ! :(
I hope my baby sees this :
I just want to say "I really love you no matter how much i neglected you. You are always on my mind, even when i'm doing my projects or when i'm outside with friends. I will not care about outsiders trying to befriend me as you're my only one. I'm firm in this decision & i will not let anything come between us. I'll cherish you with all my heart. I'm sorry i can't afford as much time as the past nowadays. But my heart's always longing for you ): I love you, baby. I want to be the one holding on to your hand, healing your lovely heart with all the love i can give. I want to be the only one in your heart . I want to be the one marching down the red carpet with you; with rings on our fingers & everyone else giving us their blessings. I want to be ONE of your family with Yaya & you leading a simple live together 10 years later .
Muacks. You don't know how much i love you, i miss you all the time .
Sunday, November 16, 2008
very troubled and stressed.
I am so broke now i have no idea what to do with many bills poping up and so many things i have to do which require money. Sighs. How? I feel so vexed. Shouldn't have let my heart go with all those temptations i had. Sometimes , i wish money could be like rain , automatically falling from the sky, and other times i wish i have a money tree, to be able to grow lots of money! I know it sounds so childish like some 3year kid's wish but hey, i'll admit that part of me is still childish XD
Any kind souls want to help me by lending me some moolahs? ):
Anyway, something happened at night after baby hubby and i caught the movie. I had to cab home myself, i was very reluctant and crestfallen obviously and he caught the last train home. I really do not wish that things will turn this way, sometimes when i think about it i feel like running away from home. It's like, it doesn't seem like my home anymore, i can no longer feel any warmth from my family. Everyday, the only thing that i hear is Screams. Sounds crazy but yeah, that's how crazy my house is. I really feel like moving out of this dog house and get my own job so i can support myself. Who wants to stay in this house man? With people chasing you for money when obviously you have none as your mum did not give your pocket money nowadays and you are not working either. With people screaming at you when you are just 5cm away? Do i look like one with hearing problems? ): I really do not like this kind of life. Hectic man, maybe you may want to say that i am just too obsessed with love but i want to protest against this opinion you have there.
Firstly, use your brains, i am obviously not obsessed with love because i am not mentioning my love anytime anyday neither am i talking about him each time a conversation starts. Secondly, i am not so free and have nothing better to do than to spot and scold passer-bys up just because their style looks similar to my hubby's. (in other words, copy & paste )Third, i come home every single day and did not wander outside at night with me unwilling to go home.
That's why, please stop blaming everything on him. I can't deny that both of us are at faults at that incident and we learn through this, no second time. It's like we are going out because we have not been out on dates for quite a long time and you have to control me? I really abhor hearing you say things like " you are so pretty, should not close the door to your heart so early " bla bla. To me, he's my future. If you are unnhappy, i can do nothing. That's how my heart went . But i know that if anything happens in future, i will shoulder all consequences myself and not burden you all. I know you all care for me but can you at least let me have my own life? I know i'm not even 17, still very young but i know what i am doing. REALLY , i just need you all to support me in my choices, and not opposing against me all the time. It hurts so badly you know ? It really sucks to be stuck in the middle not knowing what to say and do you know.
Please just stop flooding me with these unneeded comments and advices, i don't need them. They only bring me sorrows, nothing else. Having said so, i will not blame anyone except myself shall anything happen to me in future.
I love my hubby a lot, more than anyone i've ever loved. He's sweet, he's cute and he's the only one who is able to put a smile on my face whenever i'm down. He's the only one who would dote on me and head into a lingerie shop searching for lingeries for me. Although he is not very literate, but at least he has a strong command of languages like Japanese, chinese, cantonese, hokkien. He have better skills in hairstyling than anyone of you reading this. He's treated me better than any of you do (Except my mum) He gives me pocket money each month and he really cares about me. Whenever i'm with him, i feel really secure and happy. It's not something easily given by any other person. I love him , no matter how tough the road will be for these 3 years, i will hold on to this love. I hereby make my promise that my heart and love for him will always persists, i vow with my life. I want to marry him, i want to stay with him , i can't wait for 3 years to pass by.
I love my hubby.
Alrights, it's almost 5 am now i am going to sleep. byes.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday yay^^
The weather's very horrible today, making many classmates and i sick ): Namely Wati, Jill and I ): It was really terrible , the environment around was very cold and we were inside the lecture hall, suffering in silence :( I had chicken rice for lunch again & we went to PACC after our break. PACC was really difficult, i couldn't understand a single thing. God bless me uh. I skipped GEMS and edited the GGT powerpoint slides for my team but during the presentation , i was so sick i only managed to introduce the pictures to the class when i actually prepared to explain more details of those cities. ):Siewyuan had to present for me instead, thanks boss! After GGT tutorial , i went to town with Jill as the other girls whom i "jio" either doesn't want to go or couldn't make it.
We went to heeren to get my baby's skinnies & the salesman was very funny lahs, this was what happened :
Me : " Hello, can i get a size 28 for this pants "
Him : "What colour & design? "
Me : Points to the long skinnes "this in black please "
Him : " You don't need to try ?"
Me : " Oh, my boyfriend came and tried before "
Him : "Oh okay. 28? "
Me: "yes please "
The way he said it made me think that he thought i wanted to buy it for myself. "Oh please, obviously not !"
Anyway, i was very glad that there's still size 28 left as the promotion had started for quite a long period of time already :) So after purchasing , we shopped around and went to taka for more shopping ~ We went to Wh, pull & bear etc and had our dinner at Mos burger :D Whee. After dinner , we went to wisma and carried on our shopping but we didn't buy anything else in the end and left for home.
In the train, i got really bored and thought of ways to surprise my baby hubby with the skinnies i bought him (which he had wanted for some time ) . So, i alighted at outram park and headed towards his house . Upon reaching, i sent him an sms : 老公,我想了好久,还是决定告诉你好。。我与话要告诉你。。你现在下来farrerpark mrt station。。我会等你让我把话说清楚。。After this sms, he called me many times but i didn't pick up as i was afraid my plan will get exposed. HAHA he was very anxious and thought that i wanted a break-up with him at our 10th month anniversary and sms-ed me saying that "Please don't leave me, i will go mad " and " Today's our 10th month anniversary, do you remember wifey? " In the train, i was busy drawing and writing on the green card i made him. So, i met him at the mrt station and he looked furious he questioned " Why didn't you pick up my calls when i've called you so many times?! " I said " I'm here to return you this " and i passed him the skinnies with my handwritten card inside. The moment he saw the bag, he smiled . " 你啊!很坏la! ): " I defended myself "你啦!!人家要你开心吗!!老公我爱你哦!!十周月快乐!!!" He was very happy yet angry :DDD I accompanied him home to get his stuff and he sent me home hehe. My baby's such poor baby ):He told me He stayed at home and went out alone today , he was very sad :) Me, being such a sweet wife,replied that i actually knew it and therefore i gave him this surprise ! As he sent me sms which made me feel that he was very sad and bored. :D Muacks love you baby hubby~ You are so sweet. You bought me so many things already i should dote on you more muacks muacks ~
He sent me home and we went to have our supper before going home :D
Yesterday, i went to his house after school as his mum wanted us to have dinner with her . :) His mum was so sweet, she brought us to chinatown and we had very delicious 田鸡粥 for dinner. Afterwhich, we went for foot massage and then she bought me 6 boxes of chicken essence . I was really thankful and happy (: Thank you auntie :D Baby hubby came and we spent our night together . I am so obsessed with him i want to grow old with him and marry him & take wedding photo shoots with him :D Speaking of which, that day we went to imm with margaret and this guy actually approached us for a wedding shoot haha i was so happy i smiled all the way home :D
Okays that's all for today. Special thanks to beloved Jill for going out with me :D
Take care my dear, you are loved by Sarah :D
Don't worry too much about your best friend , you will see that she still cares about you as much which you do not know !
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Updates ~
That day , after lunch Jill, Yuting and i went to the library. We were supposed to discuss the details of our oral article but we ended up chatting our time away haha! It was fun lahs, i think it's the first time the three of us had such a good chat. (: CRS oral was alright & yuting went to redhill with me after it . HAHA we went there to meet my customer and she's sweet luh, she accompanied over. (: Thanks yo.
Anyway, because of that meeting i had a tiff with baby ): I forgot that i asked him to come over to school to fetch me at 5pm and he hurried over to find me right after he reached Singapore. He sound pissed and i felt really guilty on saying stupid stuff to get back at him ): I know i've hurt him badly, i'm sorry baby. I still love you & need you as much as i always do (: Muacks~
Yesterday, baby went home around evening and i didn't turn up in school as i was so tired i fell asleep right after i bathed and got ready for school . HAHA Stupid righttttt` . !
I'm currently in School now Mr tan just completed teaching us Statistics. I was ridiculously late for PACC tutorial today as i thought class starts at 9am??!!! But actually, it starts at 8am . I should be more alert in future ! Mr Cheng was alright with my tardiness, but i feel guilty ! ):
I hope i can meet baby hubby later ~ He's such a 傻瓜 , thinking and getting himself troubled with things like 'being scared i will leave him' . Aww. He's very sweet, how can i bear to leave him? That day he bought me a dress from m'sia which was really costly! ): I was very touched, it was the second dress he bought me and both of the dresses fit me perfectly and nicely ~ !!! :D
I really love those dresses baby ~ Muacks thank you so much ! I will be going to meet him and his mummy later ~ Somehow, i feel very nervous haha! Even though it isn't the first time i will be meeeting his mum.
Okays. that's all for now!!
PACC lecture! :D
I love my freakyyyyyy ky ky ky ky ky ky hannn hann baby manys manys ~!!!
p/s: I need to slim down lahs! SIckening ! HAHAHAHAHA ~ Where are my gym partners !!? :(
HAHA okays today's gonna be a long day ):
Monday, November 10, 2008
Been a bad girl
I do not really have the mood to blog, just feel like whining . I think guys are quite stupid ( Generally) No offence but they do not have the slightest hint of what the girls' are thinking and they made it as if we are thinking according to what they think we are thinking of.
Sounds ludicrous but it's true.
I've tried it on many guys before.
I hate this feeling yo. Heads it when guys get so 大男人主义!
Ah, whatever . It's 8.24am in the morning & i'm going to meet my cusstomer now.
Meanwhile, support me! We are have promotion !! (: Ask your friends/ relatives to give some support too!! * Byes!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Updates ~
Oxides (Except Nanana ) Had indian food during our break as many stalls wasn't open today (And my chicken rice too! ): So, we had to make do with indian food haha. However, it's kinda expensive though & the taste is average :D
After the break , we had PACC ( I like our new PACC female lecturer , she makes learning fun yo!) and i went for my GEMS after that lesson . Talking about real estate, i didn't know there's auction , leasehold and stuff for the estates in Singapore & it's quite interesting to know these facts as i'm living a Proud Singaporean (Aww, If you get what i mean :D )
After School , we celebrated Darryll's Birthday for him! H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y DARRYLL!!! :D Hope you enjoyed your day ya^^
Then, we headed home .
I am so so exhausted & suddenly i received an sms :
"Hello, Are you sarah(: ? "
I replied :" Who are you! Do i know you! How did you get my number! "
I received a reply :
"I noe u, in ur friends im hao jie, nice to meet you "
I was like " What the hell? "
Again i replied :"Who are you! Do i know you! How did you get my number! "
He replied back :"Ya, you noe me in msn "
So i said :"Email?!"
He replied :
I stopped replying upon seeing this sms.
5 mins later, another sms came : "how you noe ? "
I was already feeling " Wthhhhh?!!!"
Didn't reply.
Then this number called me umpteen times.
I picked up my phone
Me :" Wei !"
Him: (Unfamilar voice) "hello i am hao jie '
Me: "So? "
Him: "Nice to meet you"
Him :"I love you"
What the hell yos! I hung up the phone immediately.!
The number called again many times.
I sms-ed him " I don't know who you are & how you manage to have my number. Please do not call me anymore as i do NOT know you! "
Then, this number called me umpteen times again.
I chose not to pick up & he sent an sms again.
In chinese this time :"Laopo, Shi Laogong la! Wo mai xin dian hua ka le! "
Waosh. I was like "Woah, ni hen wu liao lehs! "
LOL. So it turns out that it's my hubby behind this whole scary thing.
And fancy him laughing and teasing me ! ):
Luckily, as usual i hung up the phone to such calls hahaha!
I think i am smart haha!
Adding on to my tasks :
14Th Nov- GGT presentation (ppt slides)
10th Nov- Make payment for all closed sprees (peach sugar/Maymaylu/BaiEshop)
Okays, that's basically all for today.
P/s : It's such a turn off when guys use vuglarities! So moscow(irritating!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday SPSS test ):
After i realised it was way too early for me to head to school, i took up my PACC textbook intending to revise. I did revise , but i fell asleep on the couch as i was really exhausted. ):
If you are wondering, i slept at 1 AM the day before as i was too excited with the korean dress baby hubby bought me. It is so cute Wees. He bought me PSP GAMES and i especially love these two games LOCO and CAKE MANIA hehe so fun yoz!
Anyway, i woke up again at 11pm and was very very shocked i wanted to rush to school . But , poor baby hubby was so ill i had to bring him to the doctor. I arrived at school at around 1.30pm and made it on time for FOM presentation (woots~ ) !
After school, i had SPSS test which was so difficult ): Sarah's going to fail another technical (Computer) test again! Sobs * ):
Anyway, there are so manyyy things i have to do by this weekend. *faints *
Here's the list ..
Deadline - Tasks (Including outside school duties )
3th Nov - Do PACC Tutorial 1,2 .
3th Nov - Do OM tutorial (Print them out ) 2,3
5th Nov - Do PACC tutorial 3 & Statistics tutorial (Halfway done)
5th Nov - Submit Bai-Eshop / Peach sugar / Maymaylu spree orders .
6th Nov - Do GGT tutorial 3
8th Nov - Study / Revise Statistics / OM / GGT / Fom /PACC lecture notes.
11th Nov - Do CA1 OM Individual 4-page Report
11th Nov - Collaborate OM CA1 powerpoint project
11th Nov - CRS article research and presentation details .
I am so going to turn bonkers ! ):
Poly life is not easy ! T.T
Fancy people saying that we are slack.
Anyway, i miss my friends ! :(
K box ! ?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday Dayyyy ~
I went for my doctor appointment with baby hubby yesterday at simei (Yah, i know it's wayyyy farrrr) & we went to bugis at late afternoon to the temple ~ Wees. We are good kids, we head to the temple too! :D
Anyway that's not the point the point is : While walking from bugis street over to the temple, it started raining! Aww. Rain! Mum reminded me to bring an umbrella along as i have to take care of myself but apparently, i did not. I couldn't find a presentable umbrella at home thus we went out without one! We darted towards the temple and after sending our prayers , it was already pouring. ): I had to stay in the temple for shelter & Baby hubby went out to purchase an umbrella. Haha . I was so scared he would moscow(Abandon) me at the temple & thus my head was filled with questions . I was shivering like h*** Okay.
Luckily, baby hubby came back with an umbrella! (: With that life-saving umbrella, we walked out of the temple and headed towards Bugis Junction . It was rooooomannnnticcccc ~ Why!?
We were the only ones walking under the rain haha so cool right! Anyway, as i mentioned earlier it was pouring so everyone stayed under the shelter and they were staring/looking at us! Lol. I kinda like that feeling ~ There were only 2 of us & we were under the rain. Haha. Romantic uh!? (: Anyway, our bottoms were already wet & drenched like 1382349234 when we reached bugis Juction * Poor baby wore boots and his whole boots were filled with water ~ But he was super sweett~ He did not complain and brought me to the arcade to warm up (As i was already shivering! ) We went to 钓bear bear and wasted so much money haha. Then, we played this game that's very lame we had to turn the control and keep hitting the screen ; before we went to play silent hill. Wahahaha. That's our 排拖game! (: It was fun and scary as usual and we went home after that to have our dinner at my house (:
Baby slept with me through the night and this morning, i was so kept up doing some admin work i lost track of time and i was ultra late for lecture. Heh.
This morning, he went to Bukit Batok to find a skincare centre but he got lost over there. Haha my baby is so cute right. ! Lol. In the end, he took a cab home and went to M'sia in the afternoon to find his friend . I'm currently doing my Fom Project cracking my brain on the opportunities for downtown east. We have to present tomorrow, i'm pretty scared yo! Haha & there's a SPSS test tomorrow which i haven't prepare for. ): Also, i'm waiting for my baby hubby to come over ! I'm so excited to see what he bought me from M'sia ~ (: hehe. !
That's all , tata!
P/s : *screams* I want to go kBox! Party World will do just as good ! *Winks* to all my Kbox partners !
Sunday, November 2, 2008
In School
I just had this IDEAS Presentation which was such a chore );
It was a last minute work, no doubt i did badly for it.
Nonetheless, i'm still affected by the results ):
I'm missing husband ):
I hope he's doing fine , i wonder how his hands are.
Ah, I want him to come to my house today! ):
I Miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him miss him!
Shauna's busy changing her lj skin , they are so excited about songs.
The other day GIGI was arguing that "Make Love" Is nice. It's a song by bigbang but we were like ?? There's only "this love", no "make love" lehs! Lol. After that, we kept teasing her about her dirty mind. Gigi is super adorable ~ Yay. I'm going to buy bras. HAHA
I'm going to get sponsor !!!~
Baby hubby, *Pouts* Sponsor me please?
Anyway, that day he agreed haha! He said he's getting his salary soon~ Yay. But i feel bad using his money hahaha!
Sarah's going home soon! End of school! Yay !
For someone as noob as i am, it is difficult.
Haha , Here to show some masterpieces i did! How is it! Say it's nice okays! HAHAHAHA! Well, i miss my husband really really a lot ): Had this sudden urge to edit our pictures :
Nice nice?

As for this, i did this yesterday ! (: Really looks different yo~ HAHAHA

Okays I love my husband freaky ky ky ky ky ky ky kyyyyy (:
I feel like making sushi *Hmms* It's been a long time since i last made them!~ Woohoo! Let's hope i'll make some for my baby husband tomorrow!
Nahs, i live a mundane life. Back to Zbrush , tata!
[ 3.06AM , Monday ]
I'm finally done with the Zbrush thingy ! Ah, it's a last minute work so there's nothing to boast about it yo. I think it sucks ! ): I'm so exhausted yo! ): Gotta have some rest now !
Woohs~ I wonder when i can meet up with weeliang & Jasper & Sheila & Daphni & Gang ! ): I miss them! The other day i saw weeliang in school and it was great!~ Short conversation but it's better than nothing ! Heh. Kbox yo~ By the way, i realise my blog is not attracting many people. It's time i change it to private blog i guess ~ HAHA We shall see yo.
I miss baby i miss baby i miss baby! ):
I want to see my poor little baby hubby ):!
I love freaky ky ky ky ky ky kyyyy baby~ !
I haven't even create & design a humane product for the ideas presentation powerpoint that was dued last week .
Ideas Ideas Ideas ! I Need Ideas! );
I went out with margaret early in the morning today to meet some customers & supplier.
Wahaha. While waiting for them, i shopped around lot one and found this black coat from cotton on which is really pretty! But they do not have my size anymore! ): Only large and medium sizes. Zzz. Anyway, i bought many things today & i finally bought facial masks! It's time i give my face some relaxation yo! Heh.
I love my new Psp cover : Hello kitty! Act cute but who cares just as long as it's nice ! (: I love my psp now, it looks so appealing to me . I'm going to rape it. haha! Well , =.="
Yesterday, part of oxides came my house to do fom project. It was so fun yo! Instead of doing our project, we ended up fooling around with kelly's webcam trying to do some bohe hairstyle ! HAHAHA So fun so fun so fun ~! Muacks love you all~ (:
Anyway, i think it's time i dig my notes out and start studying yo. My academic results are disastrous! ):
My lovely baby is ill ): There's some wierd poks growing on his hand and he's feeling very very ill. I Wish i wish... For him to recover soon ! 亲爱的fairy godmother,可不可以保佑我的老公快点复原? 我好想念他.. 不要他有事哦!~ ):