Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ah, What a life.
I hate being like some cheapo chick who's got no penny to spare.
I hate doing chores all the while like a maid.
I hate not being cared by leewennhan even if he's in Malaysia.
I hate being alone.
I hate the feeling of loneliness.
I hate having low GPA?
Anyhow. I just feel very low nowdays.
Don't blame me for the tears, wipe them away for me.
I want you back. Right this instant.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
17th Birthday updates~
17th Birthday , 15 Dec 2008
That day, i was alone at home the whole day until evening (around 4-5pm?) as Baby was super evil .! ): Margaret & him had this plan to keep me in the dark & they suddenly appeared with a cake outside ^^ I didn't know at first & i thought it was the postman delievering my parcel over but when i opened the door, lucky darted out & so did i. And there they were, lighting the candles for me. Weeeees. I was so touched! ^^ Loves you baby. :D Baby
Sheila actually planned dionis and I an early surprise birthday celebration together on last last friday(I think so?) but there was a miscommunication so i didn't go in the end ): Quite sad but happy as it's their heart & sincerity that moved me :D
Daphni Love's birthday was on 22th Dec, that day before yesterday and i planned a birthday party for her which i actually wanted to be a surprise party. But, she was so smart she managed to spot us even before we sneaked into her house ! :D I can see that she's really happy so yeah ^^ i felt satisfied too woohoo~ Loves them all who went :D
Daphni gave me this belated birthday present which is from Sheila, Dionis, Daphni, Xueqi, Weeliang, Liming, Jasper, Hansel, Yongquan& Jianhao ! I think it's pretty costly because it's authentic Guggi , $100 at least, in Singapore ?
That day,i already blogged about my Polytechnic friends celebrating my birthday ? Yups :D No pictures yet as i haven't get shauna to send me.
Well,I'm chatting with Liming on Msn now & found out that the Christmas party tomorrow is planned by him, Sheila & Jas :D I'm so excited & looking forward to it !
But i really hope weeliang, Dionis & Xueqi are all going to the party tomorrow because i miss them all ~ Especially Weeliang ! :D Although in the same school, we seldom meet. ):
Speaking about school, i'm so reluctant to go to school & the vacation is gonna be over real soon. Like next Sunday? Sians. I really don't like School in Polytechnic manzzxse#$@#$!
Baby hubby went to Malaysia already, a moment ago he called me saying he's reached the customs. I'm gonna be without a boyfriend, a best friend, a hubby for the next 7 days! ): Will miss him will miss him missing him now missing him now! ):
P/s. Thank you people for remembering my special day! :D
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's getting harder
I wish i can dig a hole underground, squeeze in & never get out again.
Everything seems so hurtful now, even my own family.
I hate being the one scolded when i'm not in the wrong & i hate not being understood.
but some things are just so hard to say out, what should i do?
I may be enjoying myself when i'm out of my nest, not brooding over what i'm going to face when i return to square one.
But what happens when i am at my own nest?
Everything rewinds & rewinds again, without stopping.
It's just that, this time ; with a different reason.
Or should i say, different reasons with an identical interest.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Many thoughtys
The food tastes preetty average and i really don't like the tom yam soup (*grins*) My favourite part of all is the grill pan which allows us to grill our own raw food. :D Yums.
We went to Esplanade after the lunch & Shauna & Kelly was really evil , they cheated us ! :( Initially, they told us they went to get something and asked us to head to Esplanade first but when they came and find us, they appeared with slices of banana chocolate for Boss & i . I was stunned for words & really felt like crying because i didn't think that they would remember. And i guess i was too sensitive. They sang us birthday songs and we ate the cake ~ Anyway, the cake was really yummilicious & we took a lot of pictures Yay ! :D
Thank you oxides for the surprise, really thank you. You all made my day (: Loves you all no matter what :D Muackys.
I spent these few days with my baby hubby and he slept with me the previous day. Woohoo. i was so excited but i fell asleep as soon as i lay down on the bed & baby was so busy whinning on how a Pig i resemblance as i slept so soon , although with him in my arms. LOL He said he was still talking to me until he turned & then realised i was asleep. I'm sorry baby, Mst exams made me have only a few hours of sleep everyday : ( But you know i love you & i love sleeping together with you. Muackys.
I met Tico-Peks today on my journey to baby's house. Eeeew. Disgusting. I was so scared i ran all the way up his house in my boots(Heels) , trying to maintain my balance with every footstep. I really hate this kind of feeling, i think these guys are so deprived man. zzZ .
Yupes i received a call from Oh-my-Grey that day and he told me that my retest is on tuesday ! Hope i can do well for it *Cross fingers* !
i love my bebebebebebebebebbeebbebebebebebebebe hubybybybybbybybybyby babybybybbyby ! :D He's so sweet !
我要永远做你的太太, 和你一起到老..
我就想个毒犯, 被你一次又一次地吸引住..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mugging, PACC
It's 5 am in the morning and i woke up this early just to study for PACC ): It's very last minute, but i dozed off last night while studying so i must study now ): I'm really exhausted and super sleepy !!! :( My eyes swelled yesterday when i woke up and yes, i couldn't go to school because it hurts so #$^$%^%&!!! times. I went to the Polyclinic and waited for like 3 hours ( They are really inefficient ) and i went to meet hubbyyyy . He's so cute, he thought i would be angry at whatever he did but i was quite scared beforehand when he told me he did something wrong. I thought he was to return to Malaysia and never come back again.
But anyway, the main point is he accidentally threw my 3 months' old Psp down the rubbish chute together with the rubbish he was holiding. So, he was pretty afraid i would get angry. AH, how could i bear to? I was more of relieved when he told me that because he assured me that he wouldn't be leaving Singapore, and that's enough for me.
Ah, Say GoodBye to my 3 month's old Hellooooooooooooo Kittyyyyyyyyyy baby! ): I'm not very sad lurh XD .
I love my hubbyy & i love PACC (:
But i love my Hubby more than PACC
And hubby doesn't love PACC
hubby loves me (:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Something to last for a break !

I love hello kitty!
I've Recently developed a soft spot for Hello Kitty eversince mummy bought me a hello kitty curtain! :)
They are just so adorable!!!! :D Here's a little something to freshen yourself up from a day of study :D
Hello kitty Thumbdrive with blings! It's so prettay! :D

And the helloooo mouse which comes with a box!

And now , the big thing!! Lappie ! helloooo lappie! Gosh, loads of bling bling to resist!

The Strawberry building to house the tenny wenny cutie stuff over at Tokyo :D <3<3<3<3!

Hello kitty apparels!

this is my favourite of all!!!!! charmmy charmmy iPod! SUPER DUPER WOOPER KAWAIII !!!!

Wahahah, i think they just make my day :D

cute right?!! :D

Even the photo frame they has are so prettay? ): I want to live in Tokyokyoo~!

The collectibles ^^ Wee i love hello kitty !

Monday, December 1, 2008
1 down, 3 more to go :D
To start off, i went to school for OM test today. It was pretty unexpected, i thought there would be like 3 questions in total? But anyway, it was doable & i hope i could get high grades for it ! :)
After the test, we went to the library to print our statistics reference and i went home :D
Hubby was at Bugis so i went to find him and something pretty bad happened ) : I was stuck in the girls' toilet for like 30minutes or so. We went for dinner, shopped around and he bought me this pair of stockings from f21. XD I was super sad the dress i really like from F21 are all sold out! ): It's really a nice piece!!!! ): And We saw many cute undergarments hahahaha, he wanted to buy me but it seems weird buying it without the top so, we skipped it. :D
We went back to his house to get my lappie & yes, here i am at home thereafter :)
I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole journey home with him , he really knows how to cheer me up i must say :D
HAHAHAH, i guess i had enough(maybe not!) fun & it's time to mug for the statistics test tomorrow! I haven't study at all ):
I really hope i will not flunk it,
they say :" Statistics is the easiest module man".
I say :" Since it's easy, why learn? HAHAHA " because i am dumbo i can't seem to grasp the correct technique to conquer this module. *sighs*
You know what? I had a dream , i dreamt of Dionis & my boyfriend and it was a queer dream.
Nonetheless, i love my boyfriend i want to make him mine & i love my secondary school clique ):
Dionis, Sheila, xueqi, Daphni, joanne,Zhihui,jasper,Liming, Weeliang, jianhao and all other friends ): They are the best friends i've ever had.
I know it's very silly holding on to the thought of having my friends with me back now as it's beyond the possible but i just miss those times we played around. Everything was so sweet & too short. I want them all back. ):
I love my beeeeeeeeeeeebeeeeeeeeeeeee hubbeeeeeebebebebe! :) He's SWEET SWEET SWEET and irresistably HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT ! (: