Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lets be obedient this semester :D
Seriously Speaking, SP/ SB is totally too overcrowded and the board of directors should do something about it . I swear it's the first time we walked into SP as if it's the official opening of uniqlo. Lol. Both Yuting and i were stunned for our very first time at the overwhelming response of the year ones. Besides, we're just too used to late morning/early noon class so it's completely unusual for us. But i think we just have to get used to this early morning thing because practically all our classes starts at 8am. Sharp.
Most of our lecturers have taught us/ seen us before and i'm absolutely hoping that my grades will improve this year. Business Law seems fun & our tutor seems pretty strict and his explainations are indepth , Accounting's tutor seems to be rather caring & i see Mdm Kiew in her. Haha well anyways, i must start to motivate myself to turn up for every lesson already. We choa chu kang gang shall all start attending classes punctually & start doing tutorials consistently. Heh.
And so like you supposed, i went for my first GEMS class this afternoon. Joanne was in the same class as me la but it's like, i felt like saying " Er-hem, is there this new rule that says ' Please throw your old friends away for your new friends", which i didn't . It was so unexpectedly boring & instead of learning german, i think i'm picking up indian. OMG. Apparently, the lecturer is an indian who came from india, she speaks german with an indian slangooo, her handwritting is somehow- almost illegible and yes it was as if she's teaching GGT but i was too exhausted to bother. It's that kind of scenario that you woke up too early, was pretty much ill with runing nose but despite so, you tried your best to be attentive in class yet the lecturer's slango and voice has just got to make it worse for you. Now i start to ponder, "Blimey, how am i gonna pull through this whole sem ? ".
But on a happier note, tomorrow's 4 hrs of facing Mr. Ronald is cancelled! Yay~*Miss Chen shifted our tutorial from 8 to 10am too! Which means classes start at 10am to 2pm. Hooray~!!
On this instance, i'm feeling excited as dearest hubby is coming to my house tonight Yay :) :) :) :) !
I love my baby baby dearest hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I miss my boyfriend husband !
I want to sleep with him laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~
Sunday, April 19, 2009
'Monday, September 06, 2004
Title : DaMn It !....
wat the hell ! wa kao....... really cannot ren joan le... she is alwaz e one who act cute, act pretty ,haiz... just act everything tat can be acted.....but then she fan guo lai say im e one who act everything then scold me in her 'webpage'. then anyhow say ppl family got problem......siao gila! she thinks she is alwaz e one who is correct and we, e wrong one... last time a few days bfore e teacher's day audition, we at e canteen, then after we drink finish our ,we go borrow radio frm e teacher , while joan and zh nv go wit us..... we purposely faster ran off....(we very playful arh..) then when we went back to class, see their face like not happy then i tok to them they dont wanna reply... so i tok to dionis only loh... then joan sms me saying tat i don wanna tok to them ..... suddenly ingnore them...... Wats more.. she sms me say im dion de 'gou' (*u wanna be her dog then say lah..- 4 joan)..then she scold me bitches and all tat..... don mind... wo ren...... like francis say one..... tolerate tat person until u really cannot tolerate then scold/say tat person.. then finally, donno why we get back 2gether le..... (*well, actually , we really tolerate her bhb and ...... 4 very long time le coz she alwaz say herself very cute in japan then say ppl is ugly ) for eg. got one time, we go out wit her (i think tat time we go jp),then we walk walk then suddenly she call us to look at a person then we ask her why look at tat person after lookin. then she say: "wa.. such ugly people oso exist in e wld"(translated frm chinese to eng)...then now i ask her why she say tat. she reply me:" e past is e past.. we shld look into e future and not the past..haiz... now i kinda hate tis sch le..... oh ya.. got one time she saw cherie last time de 'qing di' then she say :" cherie , now i finally saw someone more uglier(pardon me if i spell wrongly) than u le" then by tat time me and cherie we very 'bo shuang' and 'qi cak' le(oso translated frm chinese to eng) .......... wat the hell..... haiz....don say le ... ye shuo ye qi cak...... anyway, me gg to end here le.... if u wish to give any comments or say wat u feel bout tis thing jus feel free to tell me...( by postin comments or tokin,both oso can) ~ThE eNd~
-$~ h@ppZ~ $ 11:59 PM -
HAHAHA. You have just earned yourself the world's silliest award for reading that blue paragraph there. heh hehh. Yesterday's gathering was awesome :D Although it turned out to be more of a friend's gathering than class gathering, it still, was Great. I had the chance to chat with JoanneT again (after zoo years) & we randomly shifted our topic from " remember the last time we used to write letters to each other ? Yeaa we were so cute & childish ............." to joanne's " remember that time we quarrelled? Lol. I went to see my old blogs and , thinking back it's really childish......" I totally agree exactly. Look at the way i used to blog with those ah lian-ish SINGlish ! I feel so ashamed of myself suddenly. Plus, i recall now how we used to joke & mock at people's actions & stuff ; how we lied to Deep that Joanne's in trouble to judge if he's true to her. And how we failed badly. =.="
There was once we joined the teachers Day's celebrations and we sung " Pretty Boy" & performed "2am" with those chessy willy dance moves. And at that time, we were all so shy & naive ! You know, it's really interesting to look back at the things i've done for the past 16 years , and no doubt, it's as hilarious as a comedy drama. heh heh . If you don't believe me, the below video is all yours to judge. Heh heh heh.
Oh gee! i didn't know it shot up to 954 views currently ! I wonder who stalked me heh heh. Anyway, we went to mindcafe yesterday & took a lot of funny videos ! Like liming catwalked & approached the other table asking strange questions , us doing stupid punishments. Heh heh, i love them all lots. I was late for like 1 & a 1/2 hr, jianhao overstayed in the platform and was charged a fine but even so, he didn't mind. heh. See! They're always so kind & loving and sweet to me muahahahaha! That's why we're such a lovely clique isn't it? Initially, i blew my top due to some reasons and accidentally hurt weeliang. But it's okay, everything's fine after we explained ourselves ! So this is what i call true friends. We grew up together through difficult times & arguements which strengthens our friendship :) Yeh, Fides is still as cute as ever laaaaaaahhhhh ! Heh heh. And Sheila, please recover soon your voice is so loww so sexyy heh heh.
Today, i made my sisters & one of elder sis' friend spicy tuna spaghetti ! They rated it 8.5/10 yeh! My sister even wanted a second serving but unfortunately, there isn't enough for an extra serving . Heh heh i went to Bugis for an interview at Naddy's workplace and i'mma wishing that i will get the job laaahhhh. I'm sure it will be fun to work together with her yehh :D After the interview, we went over to dearest hubby's workplace to stalk him . Heh heh. But it was so coincidental, he came back from the toilet just as we walked past the shop eye-screening for him. Heh heh, & you know what ! He's damn adorable waahahahaha! He wore skinnies and a top one size bigger and he looked like he was dancing back to the salon in high spirits. heh heh. So adorable laaaaaaaaa. he's MINE okayyyyyyy. Lee Wennhan's MINEEEEEE ><>
P/s. I wish that this dream i had last night will never never never ever come true ! Pleasssssseee !
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What a lousy day.

Oooo . F. Last night was definitely the lousiest one i've had. Bollocks. Plus, i had a horrifying dream. It's totally a turn off man. Zzz. I'm absolutely not thinking of elaborating on that because it makes me so effing sick to even mention his name. Eeeeewwwwkkk.
Anyway, relationships aside - i know what i need to do now.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Emo Emoo , finding nemo.

Oh Mummy, Why ain't i half a beauty she is ? So unfair :/

Friday, April 10, 2009
Turning round & round ..
A call by nature, i'm getting too moody these days. And the sight of my old blog template is irking me because honestly, i am not a big fan of Pink. I can't stand the sight of Pinkish girls (Haha looks like barbie to me) . The previous skin was pink because it suits my banner but now, i've changed it ! :D A simple one that kind of calms me down & i really like it. Well sometimes, it feels great to dress simply and maintain a low profile too, isn't it?
Anyway, i hate tiffs totally. To love, you need to make sarcrifies. And because of love, we sarcrify be hurting. Who loves to be hurt ?
I'm still feeling grumpy due to our new year 2 timetable. It's really sucky . Why do you think we need so many breaks? Zzz. But on a happier note, i've got in the Gems i wanted YAY, one last seat for me :D
I miss my boyfriend now. Now NOW NOW! I want to see you!
Bis bald ! ( Learning some phrases before Gems starts hoo )
P/s. Is it just me or what? Is blogger hit by some stupid virus due to those blogshop automatic tagging system? Blimey, It's like there are pop-outs everywhere!! XXXX
Pp/s. I wanna watch the Tv premiere at channel 5 tomorrow at 10.30pm ! Hardy island or somthing ?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Model, Models.
Fyi, i ain't advertising for this model it's just that i'm extremely surprised that Sufri (O.O otherwise known as Gerome at that website is officially a model. ) It's kinda wierd you know, that kind of shock you get when you are browsing around urm maybe SuperStar's website and you find your used-to-be brother there albeit the last time in school he was already a really good catch. And and, i always think he has really nice pair of eyelashes , like those of a lady's.
Wahahahahaha :/ I feel so grumpy these days ^^
I know i've said these millions of times but I love my baby baby sweetheart , he's so adorable :)
- Edit on 1.55am -
I seriously wonder what's with the brains of stupid girls nowadays, fancy them getting so worked up with guys. =.=" Worse still, some are really desperate they ALWAYS try to get pictures of handsome guys. Well, can't you urm get a life? Don't you freaking come and closer or i'll snap your bra strap off! Shameless. > <> < ) ; the entertainment arcade is somehow big & filled with many many game machines and all tokens are $0.50 each, due to the Official opening. I'd really want to shop there again & i hope dearest hubby will not neglect me just because he's found a new job ( Which i can't blame him for, really. ) I'll be glad to shop there with him again! :D
By the way, i think i found the perfect face for a perfect model.
The face is long, straight normal size eyes (perferably single-eyelid) , Straight & long nose , sexy lips & fair skin. He looks great in singlets & skinny jeans and smiles with dimples (that will be so cute) and tadah! ~ I'm picturing my boyfriend's face now hehehe# I think he's really good looking, especially when he smiles widely like a silly boy :/ Love him him him himhim !!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I can't wait ..
There's so many things i wish to buy now but haha, i have no spare :(

Yay , babe tomorrow will be solely ours * ~
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Crazy timetable..
Oh anyway if you've realised i have disappeared for so many days (Like what dap said) & i'm back with more stress & problems ): Work's been fun & stressful and coincidentally, one of my trainers is from the sp MAC club hahahaha! I'm really bored la. I'm sleepy i'm turning in now buh-bye!!!!
I miss my handsome guy (honeyy han ), i wonder if he's dreaming of me now hmmsss....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Delicated to My little prince ...
I've been so used to revolving around you, so used to being with you that it calms my soul down whenever i hear you. Can you not go ? I don't wanna tear alone without you in my arms, i don't wanna face the mirror & mummble to myself anymore & i don't wanna see you offffff , AGAIN. I finally realise now that i've lost myself to you.