Monday, June 29, 2009
Bloody hell.
Rest in Peace, Popo's favourite celebrity , Micheal Jackson.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sentosa ; again.

Yes, i permed my hair :) so what, nice?
Later on , We met up with xiaocong at Vivocity and caught the movie Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen. Fantastic movie *** I didn't catch part 1 of transformers yet and i'm going to catch it like real soon. At first, i thought it was some aliens robots movie which are meant for robot freaks but after watching this, i really love it hur hur~ i would rate it 7.5/10. Watch it, it's absolutely worth it. Bumble bee is so adorable :)
We were all tired but it was, afterall, well-spent :)
Baby, thank you very much :)
I'm really elated & i enjoyed myself very much today. I wish that
we could swim together every weekend & i love clinging onto you like a
koala bear does to its tree in the water. Thank you for building a
heart(love) for me. It symbolises our relationship. A love that may seem
fragile and easily washed away by the water but deep down, we know that as long
as we built this heart at this spot, even if it has been washed away
without a trace , we know that once, it was there it wouldn't be
forgotten, likewise, our love remains strong and sweet. Let the bad
memories and tiffs be washed away by the sea and let's welcome the happy
memories with our little pair of hearts. I'm glad i have you.-Sarah, 24th June 2009 , thursday, 11.24pm.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Shoes !

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Busy as a bee, lazy as a pig..

On monday i met up with Yinghui for some -not quite productive- study trip. Okay, Esplanade was hella packed with inconsiderate human beings & my hello kitty was so tempting that our eyes was literally glued to the screen. We met up with our boyfriend's mum & had a great time :D The funniest part was us walking pass dearest hun's shop umpteen times in a day, giggling.
That day ended short & sweet.
The next day i tried my utmost to study smartly & effectively for FBM & the truth is, i ended up drawing dearest hun's name instead *sarah does the rolling of eyes*
The following day we the cool grouppies met up for some short discussion for our walka sutra project.
The requirements are :
We will develop a 1-hour walking tour as well as a short
Written Guide. A brochure should also be designed & produced to market the
tour. We will be assessed individually on the on-site walking
tour. On the presentation week, the Walking Tour (fellow
classmates) will be guided by the group at the actual location. All members will take turn to present their individual segment
of the entire Walking Tour from beginning to end. The Walking Tour should be interesting and entertaining.
- It is important to create a seamless process for the tour despite it is a
group effort.
We came up with many ideas but ultimately, we chose this particular subject and we asked Mr Siow for permission & he said " Yeah of course ! ____ is interesting !" Eventually we departed, satisfied with our plans . Thank you Herman for ALWAYS borrowing me his handphone gadget without fail all the time , Dennis & Jill & Herman for keeping me accompany while i waited for dearest hun :) We rockszzxxxx DX
Pss We prepared souveneirs for the class too awhhwww, aren't we just so sweet? :/
Yesterday there was a short circuit at Coffee Bean which caused a black-out. It was so fun & in the kitchen they lid candles & depended on their handphones' light to prepare the food. I was so bored outside i went in to disturb them - insisting that they looked like they were having candlelit dinner aha! In the dark, i was wise enough to take my chance hence, i made myself an ice blended - adding caramel sauce on top which was supposed to read "i ♥ wh". Apparently, the picture doesn't show "i ♥ wh" at all blame it on the poor lightnings. );
This morning i saw a few of my friends & neighbour & teacher. It must all be fate :/
P/s. Imm'a searching for a job. An event will be great - preferably pay-out would be immediately after the performance of duty. Any job/higher salaried jobs will do just as well. Please tell me if there is any ya? I'm in need of money. Phone bill zz ):
Monday, June 8, 2009
Bad cramps at the wrong time ..
And for the first time in my life, i'm regretting on my decision.
We could have been a happy family like them too ..
If we were more financially stable.
I miss you baby, i really miss my little baby..
(P/s, don't bother figuring out, you wouldn't understand)