Saturday, November 28, 2009
Back to hilton
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Construction in Progress
I know the codings are hay-wire, please bear with it for a bit.
I will be done in a jiffy.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Random thoughts on a long tuesday

Don't you think it's pretty?? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... It's plain but nice, i wish i own it. zZz.
Anyway, it's been a long long school day & i'm kinda suffering from pre-exam phobia my examinations are around the corner but most of the times i'm either still sleeping in lectures or not doing tutorials. I'm such a geeky rebellion. As usual, i arrived at 10am for a 9am tutorial and my favourite tutor was nice to me as usual. I really dislike walking into classes late but i just can't help myself with the habit of waking up late whenever it's his lesson... I'm taking his kindness for granted, and i'm clearly aware of it. Can someone just slap me straight in my face and get me out of this greedy awful state i'm in? So we went through boring tutorials and i realised that my formal ZARA presentation is going to happen next week! I need to hush & rush on this project which we all have high hopes on.
APEC was kinda fun but tiring, i was pretty much excited til that exact day we arrived at 10.45am to basically wait for like 6 hours before we finally had things to do. It was pretty slack but i couldn't stop grumbling due to the fact that no rotations were being made so i had to hold that eff'ing heavy tray with 6 glasses of drinks the whole night pacing back and forth in my zone - where nobody truly bothered about drinks. Suey enough, my palm went numb and ..... yes you got it right i broke that freaking wine glass.! It was so pathetic but it's alright, nobody's gonna remember me anyway since i'm this insignificant to all the big shots there. Those fantasic businessman, profession office ladies etc.
Lols. Before the dinner, we had our make up and hair done - the professional way with so much spray on my hair that it was literally hard i could kill someone with it. #.# it was styled up in an air stewardess-look way with dramatic face makeup - a pity i didn't manage to snap pictures of my make up that day, it was awesome! My eye shadow were bronze & had a slight tinge of silver - both colours are extremely me thus i was really into my make up that day! I made many new friends and together, we teased jasmine's hair which looked like a bird nest and feels just as hard as mine. Lol We really couldn't blame her for that hair because it's all the bad karma she'd accumulated that results in her having a scary hairstylist that night. (just kidding la!)
Apparently, there was this horrifying hairstylist woman whom looked really rough with her client's hair so while we were in line for hairstyling, we all prayed extremely hard that she wouldn't get a chance to lay her hands on our precious hair. But unfortunately, jasmine lost and she got her precious hair hardened by the terrifying hairstylist. I managed to sneaked into the theatre/stage and watched a couple of programmes that night and i was fanscinated by the Peranakan Wedding programme. I really love Peranakan Nyona traditional costume, it's so prettyyy the next time i have money, i will custom make one for my keep and wear it during CNY :)
This weekends will be spent on Apple Discovery Race, anyone's joining?
This basically sums up my weekends . Good night, gotta divert my attention to my most-
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I've been awaken by the school bells when my mind's still fast asleep.
And its' none other than............................ DRINKS BUTLER!!!!!!
Okay i know what you are thinking... I'm not gonna break glasses ok! I'm well-experienced :D Haha! The training last night was more like a workshop on grooming standards and this evening i'll be attending another on the product knowlegde on the food served tomorrow night. Tomorrow's shift will be 12pm to 12am but it's only 4 hours of interaction with the guests. Let me tell you that i'm so excited for tomorrow's event because we will be arriving at 12pm for the make up artists and hair stylists to style & do our make up for us :D Hurhur~ doesn't it sound exciting? To me it does & that's why i'm this excited now ^.^ Being able to work in APEC is like an extremely rare opportunity to the others and it certainly looks good in my resume. Although the salary is pretty little la..
Hmm.. School's hectic as usual. These few days i've been juggling Projects, tutorials, assignments, work and boyfriend at the same time it's really exhausting but i've achieved a great deal of satisfaction. I'm almost halfway through UCCD project and my groupmates and i will be having a meeting this sunday for a discussion on SQM project... The other projects that require a lot of attention is GOM and MICE which we already gotta start soon because there are truckloads of work to be done. Everyday we gotta do tutorial assignments, discuss on projects, work every weekends and 3 weeks later, it will be our mid-semester test week. Everything's so tightly packed together so there's no time to slack ): Sounds hectic ? You bet XD In other words, i need to plan my time wisely i really don't want to fail my modules or get a mere passing grade anymore... It's time to pull up my socks!! It's time to pull up your socks too my dear friends! :D Hehehe :) Jiayou bah!
And here's a list of modules i'm taking this semester, not as exciting as last sems' but it's still way better than year one!
UCCD: Understanding Cross Cultural Diversity
SQM: Service Quality Management
MR: Marketing Research
GOM: Gaming Operations Management(My fav * :D)
MICE: Meetings, incentive, conference and Exhibitions
HRM: Human Resource Management (My tutor for this module is extraordinary
cute! Lols. She's super particular with full stops & sentence structure
she's one that make us go " =.=" literally. HAHA :)
I'm still in school now i couldn't go for my gems because i'm not wearing covered shoes so i'm not allowed to enter the lab.... Then i borrowed boon jie's lappie and wanted to do my UCCD but i just realised his lappie doesn't have microsoft office word ): So right now i'm basically rotting and falling asleep in school...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Fully charged :)
& a few pictures to share haha! Anyway, mama said i've changed i'm so sad T.T I love my family & i want to remain a perfect daughter *sobs*.
Okay, some good news : I'm in for APEC! Hooray * It's an extremely rare opportunity which i'll treasure much. Permed my hair using yinghui's tongs yesterday & i really truly love it :) I wanna perm my hair hair hair ! Sponsors?
Okay, going out now byes people!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Newlywed groom found dead at hotel driveway
Newlywed groom found dead at hotel driveway
Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, November 5
SINGAPORE: A newlywed groom was believed
to have fallen to his death just hours after his wedding reception at Hilton
Police said they received a call at about 3.25am on Wednesday that a
man was lying motionless outside a hotel in Orchard Road.
The Chinese man,
who was in his early thirties, was clad in T—shirt and shorts. His body was
found at the hotel driveway.
Paramedics pronounced him dead at about 3.35am.
He was believed to have fallen from the 24th floor near the hotel pool
The man, identified as Mr Leong Jun Wei, ran a computer shop and had
lived in the MacPherson area.
Just hours earlier at the hotel, the
31—year—old who was also known as Vernon, had held a wedding reception with his
wife for some 300 guests.
According to the Shin Min newspaper, some friends
and relatives adjourned after the reception to the bridal suite where they
stayed till about 1am.
He was last seen smoking on the 24th floor.
police are investigating the incident.
— CNA/so/sf
Credits : Yahoo/Channel News Asia
Oh gosh, can you imagine something like this happened? I was totally astonished when Jill spread the news to me in school yesterday. It's spooky, how am i gonna continue working at hilton now??! That's not the main point, the main thing is ..... can you imagine like 4 hours ago you were having your wedding banquet dinner & enjoying all the best wishes friends/relatives sent you & 4 hours later, you fell from the 24th level to your death? It's eerie & it's giving me goosebumps... Such a tragedy should not have happened it's like the first maiden night.... it's supposed to by spent happily.....
Gosh, i'm speechless. Tramautised by this entire news.... Panaroma....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Facts you may wanna know...
Things are starting to perk up in school & instantaneously, projects are coming in side by side. It's good that we can get started on projects but i'm merely too lazy i've been slacking way too much. Too much of the working society makes me feel as if i'm really part of the working society already thus i'm really slacking this much; not doing tutorials & sleeping in lectures (I really slept for a couple of times and then woke up and realise i sprained my arm haha! ) Besides, who really listen in lectures? I'm still working at hilton hotel (if you are wondering) & i'm still surviving the long hours, i've decided to abandon my cam promotor job because i'm extremely sick of the pay drag. November's a fast-paced month & i must really get myself started on my studies, i can't possibly be lagging behind again. Hmpfffs. Anyway, i've got some interesting facts to share :
1) Technically speaking, do you know that class 2B/03 is possibly the quiet-est class in the whole cohort? And apparently, we're the best in being formal for informal shots which isn't neccessary a bad thing because we're decent people *winks*
2) Do you know that for the upcoming vietnam trip, 9 seniors for 2b/03 & 9 juniors from 1b/03 are participating ? It's a gungho affair.
3) Do you know that dancing is my passion? And i aim to take up classes as soon as i'm financially stable.
4) Do you know that it's been 2 years of me dating with my current boylover han?
5) Do you know that i like guys with sharp nose, mesmerising eyes, caring & kind standing at a reasonable height of 1.78m?
6) Do you know that people with big & intensive ego problem really turns me off til the extend that they are like totally invisible in my vision?
7) Do you know that my hobby is looking at pretty girls & admiring them? (haha! )
8) Do you know that i get sick of doing the same thing pretty fast so i haven't stay in any of my previous job for even 1 year?
9) I love pretty boys, especially the charming guy in brown hair, blank pants & 2 piercings on his right ear.
10) Do you know i really have so much against bangalas/indians because the ones i've met are such peevish perverts !?
Basically, life's been life. Nobody's been ill-treating me as i bet they really don't dare (hah!) Baby's been nice to me too, except he's been naughty sometimes ... He'd shifted house so he's putting up at this extremely mini studio apartment in town which i kinda like but it's pretty deluded in a sense it's very ulu... Tomorrow will be a sweet & short day i hope because i'll be packing my things and leaving to han's house. To............... do house chores for him ! lols, what did you think? Aww, i think my mum's gonna hate me because i haven't complete my own house chores yet i'm going to han's house for that sole purpose.. ;p But it's ok, let's just take it as a small reward for him for being aww so sweet this month. :D
& i gotta go do my tutorial before Ms kwok screams at me tomorrow. :D
will update when there's interesting updates?
Ok bye.