Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
This is a video clip i made for my besties.. Love them so so much! will be making a few more for a few more persons... Enjoy and do comment on my video skills =DD
Finally, prelim's over! Phew. But the real thing is drawing nearer. arhs! jiayou sarah! I'm slacking already!! -_-"
I don't know why i've been thinking about him, i must stop myself from thinking about him larhhs!! Why are you wasting your precious time thinking about stuff like that?? When he doesn't even know? Don't be silly, sarah! Wake up! Thing's changed. Stop mulling over useless stuff!
Okay i'll make this entry short and sweet. Just going to wish these september babies a happy birthday in advance or belated!
Yuenmei, my pri school friend turns 16 on 9th
Luqman, my god-bro turns 15 on 11th
Tommy, my brother turns 21 on 12th
Anna , my dearest sister turns 20 0n 25th
Yeebin , turns 17 on 27th
Margaret, my small sister turns 10 on 30th.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Don't message me, call me.
Something just happened to my granddad. my aunt just called. I heard mum saying that he's fallen down really badly. she said something like ..... his eyes became green. Yet they didn't call for ambulance. arhs! i'm so scared. He's getting on his years and i really hhope hope nothing will happen to him . God bless.
F***. I don't understand my aunt and uncle! What's wrong with them?! They are so damn reluctant to send my granddad to the hospital even in his state. Talking about the lack of sleep they're going to get bla bla. So what if they do not have enough sleep tomorrow? What's more important? My granddad is like 90plus already, doesn't they even understand that it's critical when an elder falls down? It's not child's play. Think about it. What's the use of the government taking measures to take care of the elders?! That's to prevent undesirable illnesses and stuff to befall on them , and to really let them live a long live isn't it? Seniors are important assets to the country man! But they're so damn strange. so jialat. Why are they so reluctant?! Can't stand them. arhs. !!!
I need my mug to accompany me through the night, DUH~. tata people!
Friday, September 7, 2007
im not alright.
And it's like ,
WHY DO PROBLEMS AFTER PROBLEMS ARISE WHEN WE'RE LIKE IN SUCH A STATE??. I really cannot understand why what's wrong.
Hearing my mum shout at my brother , quarrel with him , with any of my family members, i could only watch and be silent. What can i say? The moment i start, she'll start saying about my life. My huge amount of bills, my studies, my relationships.. It's not wrong for her to do that, cause i got it on myself. What's so wrong is that even when i know what's wrong with me, i still continue doing it. Like, smsing? Quite surprising someone would use over 2000 smses a month? I tried to control, but eventually the results weren't much better. Well, maybe i should end my simcard contract soon, since it's ending tomorrow. hais. And, why do i always say i need to study and make my lazy sister do all chores when i'm frigging sure she will not do? Study study study, it's not as if i can score straight As right? And my slow(or should i say retarded?) brain is obviously not working well. I'm so immature. So not sensible, i deserve to be reprimanded. hais.
I wish i can like, sleep for as long as i want, maybe not to wake up again. I really can't stand this competitive and materialistic world.
12月15日出生的人通常很相信自己的运气,他们对大部分的事情都信心满满。他们的信心并非是一种对特殊才能的信念,而是一种幸福感。这种幸福感大部分时候是很健康的,不过有时却会对某些带有负面倾向的情况造成判断错误。他们有时会因为性格非常哲学,甚至带有宿命的一面,而没有注意到这种危险,认为如果会失去,那就失去吧!而且,面对坏的情况,他们往往掉头就走,不会想办法弥补。他们认为与其悬在那里,倒不如重新开始。不过,对他们而言,有出牌不如留牌来得有利、有收获。所以,一项重大的挑战在于,把注意力焦躁在眼前所做的事上面,有交往地改良、精进,使之完美。他们必须认清,凡是成功的人,都是在一个领域中完全熟练后,才进入另外一个领域。 幸运数字和守护星12月15日出生的人会受到数字6(1+5=6)和金星的影响。受数字6影响的人很容易吸引他人的仰慕乃至于崇拜。然而,12月15日出生的人不但受金星影响,也受木星(射手座的主宰行星)的影响。这种双重的影响力使他们固然在社会上很得人缘,但是更容易吸引社会的败类。因此,如果有人太依赖他们,就必须非常小心。健康12月15日出生的人有时候对自己的健康会过度乐观,高估自己的体能。因此,可能会忽略一些症状,直到由医生作年度计划或半年度健康检查时才发现。为了处理这些健康问题(最严重的就是失去工作能力),人事某些精神、哲学或宗教方面的训练会对身体的健康有很大的助益。不论从哪方面着手,他们可能会不堪长期卧病而导致身体的耗损。今天出生的人通常不在乎什么饮食节制,除非经由医生的指示。运动的话,慢跑、游泳、网球、保龄球、快步行走等对他们都很适合。 建议不要陷入权力游戏当中。提防自己屈从的态度。最先扩张的,到最后都会收缩。学习处理约束。 名人 艾菲尔(Alexander A.Eiffel)法国工程师,设计过多座著名的桥梁,最著名的工程为艾菲尔铁塔,他还设计了纽约自由女神雕像的架构。
美国煤业大亨保罗盖帝(J.Paul Getty),为亿万富翁,也是有名的艺术收藏家。
小约翰亨利哈蒙德(John Henry Hammond,Jr.)美国唱片制作人、主持人、民权斗士。发掘许多红星,如比莉哈乐黛、鲍伯狄伦、布鲁斯史普林汀等。
美国影视赏唐强森(Don Johnson),代表作有《迈阿密警探》。
法国资深物理学家贝克勒(Antoine Henri Becquerel),发现放射性元素,与居里夫妇同获诺贝尔物理奖。
Monday, September 3, 2007
hahaha. Look what boredom can do to a person. It makes someone go cranky. ahaha! I'm going mad !!! hahas. All the books and stuff really made me nuts . arhs!
in the fitting room, i bought this!
okay okay. going off. tata. C=. remember the hotline kays! hehes.
i'll remember our promise.
let me be the on-ly one for you ; will you??