Went to liming's house today. we made sushi!! hehes. Initially i wanted to go home with des, but i felt like going jp . So, we called dionis to ask her if they want to go. She told us they're making sushi and prompt us to go too. hee. i was very excited then. Jumping about in the middle of the road attracting one bus driver's attention. aha. He must have thought i escaped from the asylum. hah. I knew it and i was like ''Happy national daY! today must be happy wad! '' lol.
We met, went to sheng siong and prime market to grab our ingredients and headed straight to liming's house. We made sushi, and i made my own collection!! hehe. Although one of it was ruined when i gave it to des saying :''nah! this signifies my love for you. delicated to u de! '' When she took it up, the rice fell from both ends. LOL. And i grumbled. Then i made one triangular one for sheila, it's successful ok! (although it doesn't look triangular, but it is meant to be lor!) hehe. By the way, liming is such a greedypig. Fancy him eating the crab meat w/o heating it. Dots lor. We said to him ''eh. i think u dun need to eat the sushi.Since you only eat cold food. hahas. go eat lorh!'' lol. He kept eating our sushi we made saying ''eh nvm ugly it's alright. i eat can le'' dots. hehe. We kept bullying him and it's so fun!! Haven't hang out with them for ages. LOVE THEM LOTS LOTS!!!
At the end, i made a heart-shaped sushi. tadah! It looked fabulous to me. My proud workpiece. hehe. I took pictures of it, but i can't upload it up yet. But anyway, it broke into 2 parts while i was on the way home. HEART-broken. Then i got emotional i shook the box so hard that everything flew out. I threw into the bin wailing like a pathetic child who's lost. urgh. It's obvious i wasn't crying over the broken sushi. I just felt as if the sushi have an affinity with me, it's like it's telling me '' stop hiding everything inside, stop tormenting yourself , get on with life. '' I'm such a pathetic geek. hais.
Reached home , was too lethargic i flunged myself to my bed and slept. Well, i'm awake now. Feel like studying later. hahas. Didn't study the whole day, this can't do. oh gosh.
Okay it's great if those sound interesting or amusing to you because i just felt that today's yet another mundane day.
Tata ppl!
ending with: GINGER, the school cat :)) (he's a lazy bumm.)

Is there any way to salvage the situation? i can't figure out what's wrong.
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