I wasn't a good girl. i surprised dearest and made him worry/angry. )): But i did that because i wanted to surprise him and make him happy! ((: well, it happened like this :
Dearest called me umpteen times yesterday but i did not pick up his call. Instead, i messaged him using a very depressed tone saying that i will not go and meet him that day. He was very worried of course; and thought i was going to break up with him (duh! of course i won;'t!) I whipped up a few dishes and headed down to his shop with my pressie to find him . Hehehe. He was mad at me when he first saw me going in his shop and asked me to wait outside for him. He came out with a bouquet of ( flowers & a soft piggy & chocolates tied together ) and wished me Happy valentine's. hehehe. And i passed him his gift. He said this :" dear! ni zuo me larrhs! xia si wo le lorrhs.! da name duo tong dian hua gei ni ni bu ting?! Hai shuo mo ming qi miao de hua! Xia si wo le lorr! " (meaning: What's wrong with u dear? You scared me! I was super worried about you! Called you so many times you didn't pick up! ) Then he opened up my gift, saw the pictures of us i printed and smiled delightfully :"dear! wo zhen de hen surprise lor! ni zeng me long de??! Wo ben lai hen shen qi yao ma ni de ke shi kan dao ni de li wu wo zhen de hen kai xin xin ran bu she de ma ni le lo." (meaning: i was really crossed at you just now i was about to scold you but after i saw your efforts on the gift & you i didn't bear to scold you )
I waited for him to knock off ; he set my hair for me and we left to city hall ( permed hair is love!) Esplanade and clarke Quay was packed with couples yesterday! !~ We managed to find a nice place to sit and enjoy the night scenery. I really like being with him at such places - it's like even if we don't talk i'll still feel very secure and romantic being by his side like that. hehehe. I'm really in love i guess? He's the very first guy that makes me feel like settling with him & spending the rest of my life with. He's really very different from the other guys i've seen. He understands me very well (it's that kind i need not say a word & he would know what i'm thinking kind) , he makes me feel secure, he's sweet & he's got his childish and mature times (in other words, knows when to act childish when to be mature) Hehehe.
i love you; baby.
i want to start a family with you.
I hope time will pass by in an ultra fast speed ;
so that 5 years will not be a long wait for you.
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