I was reading the newspaper, and the first thing i saw :
Entire village buried in Chinese quake, entombing residents
Oh, what a tragedy. I mean like seriously, this tragic disaster left so many ( it's not just tens, it's 32,500) How hilarious does that seem to you? And mind you, to those who are laughing - i think you should reflect on yourself and give yourself a tight slap because at the other end of the world ; People are struggling to survive even when they are buried deeply in ruins. And to people who think that commiting sucide is the best way to end their troubles, then allow me to ask you :
Okays, so people are trying their best to survive even though it's super difficult to (when they are buried in destroyed buildings and half-damaged schools? ) ; and here you are bewailing over how depressing and saddening your life is and why you should end your life?
It's so ludicrous how reality are ; within a day - everything could end up in ruins. Imagine
* You're a survivor of this disaster and you were so relieved when aid arrives . Immediately, you look around the city which once looked so familar to you. Glancing around the surrounding , you hope to see some familar faces whom will say :" don't worry my dear, everything's alright . " But there is none of any familar faces you see, only ruins , ruins, and More RUINS. Ruins of your school, your home , Everything. You see millions of people in the rubble, but none of them look familar to you. Apparently, you were brought to a place to seek shelter ; but none of the refugees there are related to you. Right this moment, you understood. An earthquake occured while you were having your chinese lesson . This earthquake, extra-ordinary enough to take away everything you owned. Your dearest family, your friendly friends, your loving teachers and everything. You're in the city where you grew up in and yet, everything just seems so strange to you. You're so frightened you hope in your heart that sometime, someone would come and fetch you away - Away from this horrible nightmare. But with each passing day, the hope in you grew lesser. Eventually , you lost hope and just have to bear with this lonely, strange, terrible world.
How would you feel?
My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible natural disaster, as well as the survivors. It's so hard on them. It made me realise - the world's changing. It's time i learn to appreciate my surroundings. It's time i learn to be glad and thankful for everything that i have now. My family, My dearest babyboy, My lovely friends , my caring teachers ; and a lot more people . Even those who hate me, because if i'm in that situation that i doesn't even know where my family are , i think the people who hate me will never even have the energy and mood to hate me anymore. I should learn to forgive and forget, to accept my weakness and strengthen it. I shouldn't be so childish ; creating troubles implicating others as well. It made me realise that what i'm going through is not as difficult as what it seems if i look at it positively.
So, enough of all these terrifying real stories of people in China, it's time i wise up and appreciate everything i own. :D I should be grateful to others who've guided me along. I'm also thankful to people who've hoped and wished the best for me. They are the best people (other then my closest) in the world that i've ever met. To be able to accept the others; wish them all the best from your heart is not something easy to be achieved by many people (:
Yeah yeah, enough of this super wordy and draggy post, here's a picture of yours truly to people who've missed me! ((:

Tomorrow will be a nice day i suppose ; as i'm meeting sheila aiai and people tomorrow! :D
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