I did the chemistry paper today. It was pretty easy i must say, but i didn't study yesterday luh. Was so emotional and in no mood to study. Hee. Lucky for me, i managed to attempt most of the questions. But hor, while doing halfway, i realised i forgot my pencil at home, so i skipped those electronic structures kinda questions lor. I was thinking ''perhaps i could do them later''. In the end, i didn't have enough time to lahh. Hais.. sian sian! the questions were a lot, time given were too short larh. I'm whinning again!! hee.
Dionis was not feeling well today. She looked so fragile and sick leh . i'm worried for her. =) . aiai!! recover soon!!. hee. i love ya babe!
Dionis was not feeling well today. She looked so fragile and sick leh . i'm worried for her. =) . aiai!! recover soon!!. hee. i love ya babe!
some randoms again :D paiseh luh.

''hee. i was trying my sis's'' ''nco p-o-p hidayah and me''
I really
By the way, i saw haqim (not really sure his name eh.) twice today. He is the guy who said he absent himself for school and waited for me just to get my no. de. In the end, i didn't turn up and he didn't saw me.Hmm. I saw him with his girlfwen. Hee sweet larh. =DD. When he saw me he was like embarrased and astonished larhh . Furthermore, i'm paiseh too eh. So i just look at the ground an walked off. Hee. luckily his gf there eh. If not i dunno what's gonna happen. teehee.

''i wanna wanna wanna this luh!!!'' ''enormous nco cake''
Was all smiles today ! =D right from the moment i woke up , i was smiling like an insane. Hee. Well, i smile because obviously i'm happy and as for why i'm happy, it's a secret larh! =PP. (hee. happy cus i didn't expect sme would do sth =DD )
Hmm. i wanna emphasis on something i mentioned the previous blog. Yah i did ask ppl to tag if u happen to past by my blog. But i swear i didn't ask you to flood my tagboard eh!! hehe. Just a gentle reminder nia larh. Not specially for anyone =D

''mie'' ''the cools''
OHmgoodness, i'm so gonna advertise this guy. A super duper cute and handsem guy larh! He look like my boyfriend!!(Utt.) Heehee. how i wish i have someone like that. =P kekekes. hehe. See see! This link :
=DDD http://www.friendster.com/user.php?statpos=bc&uid=3794693
Hehes. kiekies. getting off here.gotta bathe le.. Tata.

I would be the happiest girl if i can see ur msg every night.lalala.
Big girls dun cry! But i'm a small girl =D
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