What a big news eh. LOL. Just something to grab your attention larh. hee.
Did physics prelim one paper two today. It was so infuriating larhh! The ones i was confident of didn't came up but the ones i didn't study came up. I was like a mad girl who didn't know what to do just now when i saw the blanks i left. Omtian. So, in a super slow mode, i filled up the blanks with my own 'sarah's law' one by one. I reckon i'm so so gonna get a so called ''beautiful'' paper with lots of crosses in red. Hmm, nvm. Prelim one's just a trial so i really will not regret for not chiong-ing for the exams. It will affect my performance for prelim two if i did i'm sure.
some random pics .

evidence: ''i did studied!!''

''these just look so awesome =D''
Well, after the paper, dionis, zhihui and i went to gp's mac. They were meanies they tempted me to eat eh. LOL.
So after slacking at mac, we went to the toilet. I was so OUTdated larh. I didn't know the toilet there's been renovated. It was very clean and totally out of place for some place like gp. LOL. We headed school after that. Had two rounds of table soccer!! It was so exhilarating and super thrilling leh. hee. Fancy me getting so excited over it. But it was really very nerve-wrecking for me eh. I nearly had a heart attack. Hee. At the same time, super hilarious. I was absolutely ''laughing my ass out''. hee.

''i love strawberry luh!''

''reflections in the lift''
After the game, we went to the library. MAnaged to find some hidden cook recipe books and went to settle down. Lalala. Xueqi was like ''oh-my-tian larh!'' She was obviously hungry but she still feigned her hunger until we heard a groaning sound which came out of the blue, from her. LOL . Thus, she ran to get some food to eat. she's mad luh, hungry = must eat. But she's so persistent she doesn't want to eat everytime or rather, she would eat and after few bites, ''im full'' and the poor unwanted food goes into the rubbish binbin. lol.
Dionis asked me about 'the shan-hu-hai guy while xueqi went to get her food . I told her everything and she scolded me dumb and stupid! She said i should sms him now larh! And she lectured that i should said yes when he asked me whether will him have a chance to be with me NEXT time. She was like, ''wah! u kuku la! where got people liddat say de?! u shld say YES marrh! ''. Adding on to this, she said '' I thot u two are gonna be together already when u said just now he said that he love you too, u kuku eh! ''. i was like ''uh, i really regret asking him the very first silliest question eh! hais. You think i want this meh?! I'm sad and hurt too de lor!'' . I told and showed her messages from him. I admit i'm really dumb and silly . And the fact that i love him more than i've ever loved any guy is really torturing me. I'm so head over heels '' with him but i couldn't find the reason why. Hais. I just wanna let him know that i will wait bahhs. As i said, i'm dumb and am a really kuku- bird marhs. But, i really do not know how to tell him or rather should i tell him. I somehow have a feeling he's blocking me in msn, a sign of avoiding me . I am really frightened i do not dare to msg him le. Hope it is just my unwanted worries and not true at all.

''annyung haseyo!!''

''hee. i love him =D , my lovely godson''
ORAL exam was pretty easy, ignoring the fact that i used a lot of singlish . i practically ''eh'' ''eh..'' a lot of times . It shld be 5 times if i'm correct. Hee but the invigilator was friendly i must say, they've been patient with me. Thank god their not any hard guys difficult to deal with. The passage was easy. Conversation was alrite i guess. In the hall, i was so nervous that my mind went completely blank and while i wanted to say words like ''ka fei dian'' and ''bu dong shi'', i ended up saying ''eh.. mei shi.. eh can guan'' and ''eh.... bu cheng shou'' . Funny isn't it? Stupid mistakes larh. But luckily the meanings are the same. hee. Something to smile about. Francis larh! So envious of him. He told me '' it's better than my expectations , everything came out so smoothly'' . I compared it with my '' ehh..ehh..'' Oh my tian! okay anyway, it's over so forget it larhh.
On the way home,i was astonished by the reaction of a guy in the bus. He was peeping at me larh! With his strange expression. Annoying. Anyway, it's rare to see my fringe pined up like today. Hee wanted to give a good impression of myself to the invigilator marhhs =D
Came home and received a call from mum asking a favor which was quite absurd. She asked me to bring money to the polyclinic to help my bro settle his medical bill. In the end, i run to sunshine place's atm booth and transfered 20dollars to his account.Hurt my eye with my stupid keys because of running. OUCH! hen tong eh! Hais. i
Andohya, i realised a lot of ppl do visit my blog but they just won't tag! Thus i assumed they didn't know anything about me when they actually did. aiyo! TAG LARHHS!! View le dun wana tag,

''sheila aiai eh tag tag!! hehe''

''nice nice!! very costly decorations =(''
Chem's paper two tmr. So tired of studying already. Stupid exam timetable. Hais. That's all, ta .
Wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you.
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