Weekends past by so quickly ; just like a bullet train speeding from north to south. And tomorrow's a new school day again.
I met up with the ex pioneers yesterday for bowling. They are sheila aiai ; liming ; jianhao ; weeliang ; joanne ; yvonne ; rekha ; hazlan ; zaid ; youngquan & saint.
So we had our games of bowl at bukit batok and went to west mall for lunch ( i was whining like a child that i was hungry! I really were , lol ! )
After the lunch , we spilt and our gang ( weeliang, liming, zaid, sheila) headed town as weeliang and sheila wants to get their havannas sandals whereas joanne , yongquan and jianhao went for kbox. So we went to cine and they bought their sandals after much thoughts and firman called and say he saw me. LOL. He's like a stalker luh, i keep insisted. lol. Hehe. We went to shaw house to find dionis aiai after that but i had to leave around that time to find hubby. I was really apologetic to aiai that i had to leave when she just knocked off from work. =X But i do miss husbandd so much you see =X .
As usual, i waited for him to knock off and he sent me home afterwards. Hehehe. He walked me to my doorstep and left while i was in tears so i chased after him and he was like " what happened? You very funny lehh. Now i have to send you up again " " hehe. i wanna see you take bus then i leave " i replied him. "Dear, come. Go home. Don't cry hor. If not i don't wanna dote on you le " He said. (poor english because it's direct translation) So i went home . )): I was really engrossed in editing the pictures yesterday and edited a few pictures.
That's all for yesterday and i just realise i have not complete my assignments yet.
That's all! Tata!!
This is my husband ; Leewennhan [=
this is the leidi. lOl

this is my hot fave fave favourite!!!! (:
I MISS YOU HUbbY!!! )):
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