Hello, i'm back to blog again. Have been rather busy working and attending briefings these few days thus didn't blog..
Hehehe. Yesterday was the first day of sp orientation programme - played quite a number of games and knew some of the peepos there. hahahas. The girls were great, but not the guys i guess?? They weren't enthusiastic at all. boring. DUH. After school ended, i went to collect my lappie.
As usual , i went to work after school and collection of lappie carrying that bulky box all the way from school to dover mrt then to work . Silly right?? Furthermore, i was carrying the file (goodie bag) sp gave and my sister's very huge weave tote bag. DOTS. I looked like some retarded i guess.. hahaha.! Well anyway, i couldn't find my cap there when i reached qb and to my surprise jun lent it to a guy trainee. DOTS. i didn't want to wear it obviously. But the phone was ringing like there's no tomorrow thus i had to put it over my head. Eewwwww. When i was at the back hopping to get the straws that are so high up at the shelf, the cap fell into the dustbin. EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWw. This makes it even worse.
As for today, we had a pagent with the theme : covered identity . Due to some reasons, i became the female lead in death note. hahaha! Damn hilarious. I was so nervous and afraid when i'm on stage that i practically stoned there! haha/. Something to improve on. The other contestants played games that were really interesting and we were so high!!!! DTRM is so enthusiastic!! Loads of fun today. ahhahas. DOTS.
By the way, i've a piece of good news :
DTRM's students are going on a 5 days 4 nights sea cruise in june which the seniors claimed was lotsa fun!!!1 We'll stop by penang and bhuket to visit their tourism destinations!!!! & there will be pool and gym and games room on the ' superstar aquarius ' star cruise. WOOhoo!! I'm so exhilarated!!!
Sarah's one kuku blur sotong who fell down two times today. xP.
Heheh. I'm going off now.
Will blog again ((:
Lappie's power is decreasing ...
cya ppl!!!!

I hope our relationship will be strong enough to withstand all these.
*prays very very hard please*
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