Apple GarageBand '09 Event

Basic Lessons
Take piano and guitar lessons.
Artist Lessons*
Learn from your favourite artists.
New Guitar Features
Re-create legendary guitar rigs.
Magic GarageBand Jam
Play with a full-screen band.
Hoho , do drop by Ion Orchard from 12pm - 5pm tomorrow to learn more on this product - garageband :/
This morning Bong & i went to work for the garageband event '09 at orchard as billboard girls. Altogether, it's pretty tiring and it's definitly a chore for our pitiful feets T.T Luckily, the salary is relatively good and that's why we've signed the contract for this project which last for 4 weeks. Oh, did i mention that i bumped into Miss Mildred Chan today? She's really sweet, like ever and that's prolly one of the reasons she's one of my favorite teachers in Sp. She's that kind of teacher-cum-friend teacher hooo*
Anyway, met this swensens distributor in the noon and took a couple of flyers from her. Guess what?!!! Ion Orchard's Swensens' having a 1-FOR-1 ICE CREAM BUFFEt TREAT @ $18.90++ only ! It's really worth it ; considering the fact that swensen's ice creams are to die for, apart from B&J that is :) $18.90 for two, inclusive of those cakes/desserts and ice cream fondues! Who can resist this?? Gosh, i'm dating baby for this buffet tomorrow before we come home & he would have to dye mummy's hair for her. Yay, ice cream buffet !
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