Sarah's extremely relieved that all projects are cleared finally! Also, bottoms up to my bravo teammates because we've successfully secured a 'High A' for our IHRO project !! Yay~ A very sincere 'thanks' to my teammates for all the huge efforts we've put in! Aren't you happy to hear that all our hard work has been paid off ??
Like Ihro & both Ttp presentations we've managed to earn pretty excellent positive comments, Rwps was generally alright & Fbm was the only project which our tutor didn't seem pleased at all T.T Nonetheless, personally i feel that we've already put in our utmost humongous efforts for all our projects thus we definitely deserve each of the mark that will be shown in our end of sem results slip ! For the 'high scorer' ones, we should really cheers & celebrate ! and as for the others, we should learn to move on from 'last minute' work & continue striving harder for the following semesters!
Although projects are officially over, i'm still suffering it's a rat race. ):
Right now, i'm suffering from lack of sleep and poor me has an exam tomorrow. Gems exam. Aww, i don't sympathise with my gems teacher at all because she's making things difficult for us. Like, don't you know we are having other MORE SIGNIFICANT exams in a week's time? Can't you like give us an OPEN BOOK exam instead? At the end of the day, Gems is still Gems. We get no where from gems. It's just an EXTRA module that we are FORCED to take in a purpose to 'decorate' our results slip fancifully. Take my previous gems teacher for example, she's such a nice lady and she gave us OPEN BOOK exam. Apart from that, she RELEASED us EARLY almost for all classes and tabulated our final grade based on our TUTORIAL PAPERS. NO memorising, NO translating, NO stress. Seriously, if my current gems teacher were to do that, i will sincerely appreciate it & thank her to the maxxxxx.
Anyway, It's Wednesday & i haven't study for my ACCOUNTINGS exam which will be in next TUESDAY. Bravo. LESS THAN A WEEK TO STUDY, Tons of FORMATS to remember , many FORMULAES to remember & pretty much of DRY theories to MEMORISE. Die die die. Look at how i will die from this race.
Sighs * Me wanna have my beauty sleep & do facial mask ! Sighs. I'm still deciding on my outfit for tomorrow. Hmm, i want to wear a dress - should i wear this?

Anyway, i'm rather crestfallen today. Something major happened today. Like so major i cried for a total of 5times in the shower? Baby lucky's been fetched home by the 'next owner of him' so yea, miss him alot a lot. All the while in this house, he'd been my joy & my good friend a strong listener. He's so adorable & handsome i'm so in love with him. Sigh, i'm secretly hoping that he will annoy the new owner and she will send him back to us ! I wish so. ): Look at this handsome baby:

He will jump around in joy the moment we reach home each and every single day w/o fail*
Okay, i'm going off now bye! P/s. Whining to friends on how DTRM students are suffering. Hurhur~
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