Thursday , yesterday was a fine day. Basically, i went over to dada's house with him to pack his bag for him ; then over to people's park (chinatown) and met up with Dada's mum ; his brother and yinghui. I went home with Yinghui that day. Reason being our houses are quite near ( Okays, at least it's on the way) each other . I had an enjoyable and nice chat with her & realised she's nice to chat with (: Hees. Looking forward to meeting up with her real sooooooooon :DD
Thanks Ah Girl! ; you made me forget that It's kinda depressing & Saddening that dadar is going off the next day. And and, Next time don't take red line cans? Hahas. It took so long =.=" hehehes! (:
Friday , which is none other than today; i woke up and realised that the dress (Hubby bought me two days ago looks fugly. WHY? Blame it on my stupidity ; & the stupid design . Stupidity as i thought i was just merely soaking the dress in softan + Water. Stupid & Silly Design as : Fancy the person, stiching both the white top part and the black bottom skirt part together. Result? White colour got mixed with the black colour and white colour lost. Meaning the white top is now filled with fugly black patches. DOTS! It's like i didn't even wear it anytime out before?! Bollocks.! :X
Early in the morning, i have to get my heart broken and cry for such incidents~! Arh! Mum tried to help anyway, she poured some Bleach over the top white part. Let's see how it goes tomorrow then (: *Prays hard hard that it'll be back to square one!*
Anyway, i toasted a few pieces of bread and made some sandwiches for darling in the morning. (In case he gets hungry in the whole coach journey~ :D)
I met him, we had breakfast with his mum and off he went T.T .I was so crestfallen and unwilling to let him go. )): And i tried my best to put on a strong front , smile to him and say :"Bye darling! I love you" . I was devastated the moment the thought of not being able to see him for a total of 3 months (& perhaps more? ) strikes past my mind. SIGHS. Why?
Darling i'm so reluctant to let go. Please forgive me, i promised i wouldn't cry but i couldn't control. It just hurts me as badly as if i lost a piece of my flesh. Baby , you will always be my little baby & i will linger on ~ The hardest thing on Earth is to bear the pain that's pricking me when you're so near yet so far. Missing is the most simple & most painful word amongst all.
After he left, i rushed for my tuition lesson immediately and managed to reach on time. But but, she was so .....~! How can she hand up so many pieces of incomplete homeworks?? Duh duh! ): Left with no choice, i left her 40 mins to complete one of the assessment and let me mark it by today :X The tuition ended late so i arrived late and everyone (most of the people) were already waiting for me opposite pioneer Secondary. My peeps and i went back to collect our School Graduation Certificates anyway (: It was a very quick and short process so everyone headed Samuel's Condominium shortly. The bbq was Kinda weird; (lol!) But nonetheless, i enjoyed fooling around with my peepos with my ever uber random character ( Like eh, "YO WASSUP" the first minute & "I MISS MY HUBBY" the next minute?) I guess i annoyed many peepos anyway. hahahas, i saw it was boring so i intended to create a livier atmosphere. :DD
Cruise is just 2 Days away but i'm neither enthusiatic nor exhilarated about it :(
Yeah, you should know why i suppose? :(
CIP and tuition (maybe) Tomorrow. Gotta Write baby a letter, mark my student's book and turn in for the night. SOBS .

Oh ya by the way, I've actually created a movie (video clip ) of Baby and me? I was just pondering should i publish it. Any suggestions anyone? Upload or not??
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