People people, Book me out earlier yeahs? Haha. Because i have to arrange my time properly for tuition and stuff like that yeah .
And as i was blogging, some personal feelings struck me. To DTRM03 my fellow classmates , the performance was a great success to us (: Although i was disappointed that time that we screwed up ; i'm also glad on the other hand that at least we had the courage to try again for the second time, and the courage to come up with something different from other classes.
I'm thankful that we had this performance ; the dance practices were enjoyable and it increases my interest for ballroom dance like Salsa. ((: Nonetheless a stronger bond among the class.
It's alright how others look at us ; Even if they think we're losers who are such clowns or whatsoever , i think what matters most is how we think about ourselves. We got to be united as one, to defend ourselves as only when the 18 of us are as one ; the others will be afraid of how powerful we are. Let's take this as a learning experience and not brood over it anymore yeahs?
No matter what , we're still one big family whom were brought together by fate. Let's cherish this friendship and soar to great heights! ((: I believe we can do it yeahs?? Gambateh! (:
I hope after this trip , all of us would do some soul-search and change the way things were before and become a united class after this. :D And from the bottom of my heart, i love DTRM03~! :D

A sneak preview of stuff i bought! Hahahas!~ Have you guys missed me? )): I miss so many people. I realise so many things are having a turn just 5 days when i'm away from the cruise. Sorry guys, for those who needed me yet i wasn't here for you. I'm really really sorry about it. I wish i could help, i wish i could make them feel better. Oh, What should i do???
Anyway, i wanna say i LOVE MY HUBBY LEEWENNHAN LOADS! I met him in Penang during my trip and although it was short, it was a good moment (: Cherish it many (: Hais. I wanna my baby back here with me~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop playing game luh dadadada!!!~ Talk to me )):
I MISS YOU SO M"UCH. You're not talking much to me nowadays. )): i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muackss~
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