I stayed at home til evening and headed down tpy to find my baby baby! (: The train journey was effing long as usual and i was uber bored ( Luckily i have my reader's digest as a companion! :D ) See see people ; here's ten reasons why you should always have a READER'S DIGEST in your bag !
1) The information given are always so interesting ; they will make you think :"oh! Now i know why!~"
2) The tense and language used are superb (: Good for Correct English Learners.
3) It teaches the correct procedure of English application ( Like how you should speak to the different age groups politely and all)
4) It is ultra light ( It doesn't take up a lot of space in your bag :D)
5) It's a pleasure for the eyes ( Interesting pictures that guarantees you will not get bored easily )
6) Throughout the whole long journey, it's always best to have something to do (in case your Mp3 is out of battery or whatsoever)
7) Many Many real life experiences and stories ( For us to learn from)
8) It is coloured ( Unlike plain looking storybooks )
9) They offer postage services ( So you do not need to head down anywhere to get it. It's pretty easy; just fill in the order form and submit (: )
10) With all the other reasons ; It's a big YES you should get one today! (:
Back to the story , i reached Hubby's workplace and waited for him. As usual while waiting ; the girls there chatted with me :D Super friendly i must say. Hees . After teaching the new guy the hairstyling stuff and all , we went to Bugis.
Hubby needed to get something from his brother so we headed Bugis to find them ( Yinghui and Hubby's brother ) HAhahaha. I was so excited when i see yinghui. Lol. Prolly due to sms-ing her and realising that she's quite a chat-able girl (: Hees. Then we left and headed food junction. This is the parrrrrrrttttttt i totally detest. Duh. It's a long long long story. How do i go about sharing it?
Hmms well, for full details please email me or tag me (: Basically what that's important is that we had a tiff ; he went off without me (i didn't give chase immediately as i insisted that i wasn't at fault ) I darted towards the toilet ; think about it and searched the WHOLE BUGIS franctically for my baby dadada. Which was; to no avail. i couldn't find him; i couldn't reach him ; i've searched his favourite shops and all but still , there was no sight of him.
So i texted him :" I will wait for you at MacDonalds ; please come. I will be here til dusk & dawn until you come. "
My phone's battery was running out. And still ; he didn't appear. At around 10.20 (no idea what's the exact timing ) He came. My phone's battery went flat. There was a totally awkward silence and me; being such a kuku Wanting to cheer him up ; i offered to buy him food . But, i got turned down )):
Then ; due to some reasons he left and i was hurt. All i wanted to do was to cry; OUT LOUD. I hurried towards the Mrt, took the train home and went for a walk when i arrive at my neighbourhood Garden. I was so cold ; i was so afraid ; i was so hurt and i didn't wish to go home & let my family worry. I rummaged in my bag and finally, found a ten cents coin which i could use to dial dada up. In the end however; i didnt manage to call him because apparently ; there isn't any coin public phones at my neighbourhood.
I dragged my heavy steps up the lift to my doorstep and when i opened the door ; the first thing Margaret said was " Jiejie, where did you go? Korkor is coming over now " I was in a state of confusion and depression .
Then i got the whole story :
Apparently, dadada went to buy strawberry icecream intending to cheer me up when he left MacDonalds without me ( I thought he didn't want me anymore T.T) When he came back ; he was so anxious that i was no longer there he searched the WHOLE BUGIS for me which was obviously to no avail. Then, my mum called and asked for me. He didn't know where the hell i was at. He was worried sick. Thus he told my sister that he's coming over my house to wait for me when she told him that i wasn't home yet. And me, was weeping the whole while in the garden .
When i came home and realised that he called, i felt guilty. He asked me to charge my handphone immediately. The moment i switched on my pathetic phone ; truckloads of messages keep coming in. 21 messages sent from Darling , 31 missed calls from him.
I felt so bad, i knew how he felt . It's as if you've left your precious kid (or something v v precious & valuable) at a place which you thought she will wait for you ; but when you come back ; she's no longer there. You lost her. In a big mall where everyone was a stranger. A place where anyone dangerous might kipnap her away. What would you feel? Lost, Frightened ; Angry ; worried sick .
I'm thankful i have him by my side ; i'm extremely glad that i found him ; i'm so touched by what he did ( Although it's such an easy action ; but it takes a lot of love to be worrried sick about me ) i'm loving him more.

i will never ever forget someone as kind as you ; as gentle as you ; as lovely as you. 我知道你不舍得我;我也何倡不是这样呢?
老公会迟几天走!!!!! 就是说他可以陪我多几天咯!!!! He's leaving at 7June ; Oh ; how excited i was when he announced that! OH, but he still needs to go M'sia. Aww. How i wish he could stay.
But but, Shaunanana lover said she will cheer me up during the cruise and make me happy! Yay! LOVESSSS (:That's all for now people!
More pictures soon!
I miss my darlings lovers ; i want a proper outing please!!!!!!!! )):
Sheila, Daphni, Jiahui , joanne, Fides, Shauna , Jingqi , Siewyuan , DTRM03 , Xueqi(the forever busy girl =.=" ) , Ain , Eka, Nurul, Tracy (La Senza girls! ) ;
And more and more!!! ):
Please contact me via sms, email when you see this because i've lost some of your contacts ! )):
i love my bububoy!
To jingqi and Shauna : Hahaha! My bububoy is my boyfriend!
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