Anyway, i went out with her on wed, and she's so chattable i must say (: Lol. And Girl, pardon me ! Hahas. I acted in a foolish way in front of her you see. (: If you all realised, our hairdo looks similar!! In different partings. LOL.

By the way, this entry will be dated 22th June yeahs? Actually it should be 23rd June (today ) :D as i saved it as drafts yesterday. Hees. I went out with baby baby on Saturday and here's an ultra silly picture and unglam me X) Those are hubby's fingers anyway (:

Sunday , baby came and we headed to the supermarket to do groceries marketing! Hahas. We wanted to cook for my family you see (: Wees. Anyway, last night's dinner was made by hubby and i! (Mummy helped a teeny weeny bit too! She's our savior! (: ) Hahahas. i love her! Wee.
Okays back to the story, Darling cooked Japanese curry for us ( Hmm, delicious~!) . I cooked salmon fish in terriyaki sauce, stir-fried some chicken bits and fried onion eggs!! Heheh. I love the salmon & the curry larhhs!!! :DD
Today's PACC was a disaster. Oh, whatever. I choose not to imagine what kind of pathetic marks i will achieve ):
Today's PACC was a disaster. Oh, whatever. I choose not to imagine what kind of pathetic marks i will achieve ):
Well, i'm having ECONS exAm tomorrow, i really really have no confidence in that at all. ( it's the most challenging module )X
Okays, that's all for today. (:
Dear's cooking for me again, yay!!!!
I LOVE LEEWENNHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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