My pth Lecture notes.(Duper boring! )
On Wed, i woke up early in the morning, applied some make up for myself and headed straight to school for my PTH exam. The exam paper is easy to people who really put their heart into preparing for it and as for me , i didn't really study thus i crapped my own way through the paper.
After the exam, i went to Dada's house and waited for a frigging 1hr ++ for him to prepare and go gaigai with me! (Bahs!) Lol. From now on, you guys would be excepting more bold and obvious make up done on my face luh (: I've decided to start training myself because practice makes perfect! :DD So, don't be too surprised by my new looks each time yeahs?! Hees.

This is a combination of Light blue and turquoise eyeshadow :D

I was uber bored ; uber sleepy, uber crappy.

This will prolly show the blue colour more clearly (:
On thursday, baby and i went to Heeren, cineleisure then all the way to cityhall . ( I couldn't stop complaining that Singapore is so frigging small that we finished window-shopping the malls in a few hours' time?!!) We went to esplanade and took a seat by the bay observing the surroundings :D Hubby got hungry and bought steamed corn for himself . He was savouring his corn and me, being super vain, started taking pictures ((:

Dada claimed that i was taking his hair, not myself. LOL!
On friday, i met Juline earlier at dover to pass the money for our outfits to our senior. I met her at 9.30, we went for my breakfast , and headed to T21 to take our Statistics Exam. ((: I was wearing Bronze + Blue eyeshadow makeup that day . (: I love the combination, i think it's kinda unique! :DD

My dearest JULINE and i!

Today is Darling's first day of work. He woke up very early at 7.50 and i, being such a pig had to drag myself out of my comfy bed at 8.15 (: My mum was so sweet, she made sweet egg breads for dada and i made a cup of Hot milo with love for him. Hee. I had to wake up early to support him and cheer him up! (: He was kinda annoyed that he has to start working and was whining that he haven't enjoy enough you see :D
My Dada is so vain , look at the picture before :

I folded his sleeves for him and off he went to work! After napping for like 1 1/2hours after he was gone, i woke up and prepared for my tuition lesson with my student. After the lunch at Sunshine Place with mum and Margaret , i headed to my student's house and had 3 hours of tutoring her. (X Long long tuition, but it's fun! Hees.
After the tuition, i went home for dinner then rushed to JE mrt to meet my fellow groupmates. I'm really sorry people!!! ): Anyway, ITB project is CRAP. The whole Excel thing looks alien-ish to me. SIGH.
That's all people, Just wanna tell my darling :

This picture will speak on my behalf. It shows what i mean to say.
Oh ya by the way, i just uploaded the pictures taken on cruise using my camera!
To my Dtrm 03 lovers, do ask me for the pictures yea!
Taggies :
*DES OMG darling!!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH TOO!!! )): YOU BETTER TAKE CARE HOR! I'll MAIL YOU SOON I PROMISES!!! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let people bully you horS!!!!! <33s!
*SHEILA ok ok i will!!!! Are u guys free on Sunday???? :DDD Next Sunday! :D
*HAZLAN Hehes. Why u saw me and didn't call me??? So bad! hahahas. Okok i will make amendments soon! (: SORRY!
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