It was a fine and cloudy Monday morning when a girl named Sarah was digging her wardrobes, searching for clothes to wear to school. It was then she found 2 pairs of Knee stockings ; and decided to wear it out - for the first time. :D
I was blog hopping the other day and i spotted this korean webbie which is so cool! Hahah.! I love the clothes they sell! (Esp the couple tees & hoodieS!!! ) I especially love this watch
Don't you think it's cute??? NAh, Feel free to navigate this website (:
The most important thing is :
i miss my Husband!!!
i miss my jiajia!!!!!
I haven't seen him for 29 hours!!!!!!
HMPF!!!! so sad!!!
Haha. this is supposed to be lame entry luh!! So im ending here with my picture(i look like i have short hair!) buhbye people!!!
Cheerios!!!!! MUST miss me okays!!!!!

I feel so jap nowadays! Hahaha. Lol. I mean, i have the sudden urge of mixing jap style with my own style and name it : Rojak Style! hahahah! Jill even said that i've become like this because my jiajia looks like he's just came out from the anime! hehes. Meaning i was influenced by his "Japanese style" Thus i became like this. haha!
Today's a long school day ; i totally detest ending school at 5. But but, tomorrow will be so much worse, school's starting at 8 and ending at 5 ! SOBS! I feel so busy and lazy and fat like a pig nowadays!!!! ): HMPF! BAHS!

Don't you think it's cute??? NAh, Feel free to navigate this website (:
The most important thing is :
i miss my Husband!!!
i miss my jiajia!!!!!
I haven't seen him for 29 hours!!!!!!
HMPF!!!! so sad!!!
Haha. this is supposed to be lame entry luh!! So im ending here with my picture(i look like i have short hair!) buhbye people!!!
Cheerios!!!!! MUST miss me okays!!!!!

*SHEILA haha okays i asked Daphni already! Xueqi's coming too!!! We're heading town okays?!!!! :D
*JIAHUI haha okay darling love you luhs!!! My Ca2 is coming leh! sobs!
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